Critique Washing in the Rain

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Doing a project looking at the obsession and dedication people have for their automotive passion.

Been struggling with it though, but decided to push on and get out and do this this evening. Having the current problem that it's always bloody dark and street lamps being horrible yellow etc, but anyway, in the pouring rain with just a speedlite, I did this.

Washing in the Rain
by Matthew_Dear, on Flickr

All Comments and Critique welcome, from nitpick to glaring flaw!

I'll already admit I dislike the composition, but I cropped out the Vauxhall on the left, may look at building a fake section to extend the frame and get the subject away from the centre a bit more.

Re-edit -

Washing in the Rain
by Matthew_Dear, on Flickr
Last edited:
Stick a gel on the speed light, that will allow you to correct the nasty street lights. :)

Not the most flattering photo of Lee either :LOL: Not that you can get a nice photo of that lad! :LOL:
I don't want to correct the street lights really, I can correct them seperately of the flash it just looks really wrong.

Looks worse on the iPad too :LOL:
I would have gel'd to correct for street light or reduced ambient light. In terms of crop - him on the opposite side with a closer/lower crop, light falling on the RS. Would have given a more appealing image to me.

Either that or an action shot of throwing a bucket of water over the car, getting it frozen just before it hits/covers the car.

The house isn't adding anything to the photo and I'll agree, street lights are the bain of my life at the minute.
