WCMUT....what cheered me up today

Following on from Alan's query about dogs understanding pointing.

Does anyone's dog appear to be self aware? With our dog anything that looks even slightly animal like on TV gets barked at(including cartoon animals) but he doesn't challenge his own reflection in a mirror. A mirror would seem to give a view similar to a TV, ie an image with moving and still elements, but somehow he seems to know the moving reflection of himself is not another dog.


I've seen this in documentaries on TV and only a few animals recognise themselves, dogs not being one of them. I do think that dogs show emotion and empathy though and I do think that even in humans there are different levels of intelligence and awareness.
I've just got a tax rebate :D £239,60. I did think I was paying too much so this is nice for two reasons, I was right :D and it's nice to get the refund :D
Bought a Peter Storm waterproof coat from Blacks at the beginning of September.
Went out wearing it in heavy rain yesterday morning and came back soaked !!!
Went back to Blacks this morning, not expecting them to do anything as I no longer have the receipt,
but no problem at all they have exchanged it for a brand new one :)
Just need some rain now to test it
Bought a Peter Storm waterproof coat from Blacks at the beginning of September.
Went out wearing it in heavy rain yesterday morning and came back soaked !!!
Went back to Blacks this morning, not expecting them to do anything as I no longer have the receipt,
but no problem at all they have exchanged it for a brand new one :)
Just need some rain now to test it

Any idea why it leaked?
I managed to mow our lawn this afternoon, avoiding rain showers; this week is 'brown' bin day when the garden waste gets collected. As we have to pay extra for the privilege I like to make sure it's full......
I had pencilled cutting the lawns in for today but I haven't been well so it's postponed. We haven't had to put any grass in our green bin since we bought a compost bin.
I had pencilled cutting the lawns in for today but I haven't been well so it's postponed. We haven't had to put any grass in our green bin since we bought a compost bin.
My priority is normally to use the garden waste bin for woody bits, or things like ivy and weeds etc but as I haven't done any pruning/weeding because we have had so much rain recently I decided to fill it with grass rather than miss our collection.
All that's gone into our green bin recently is pruning and leaves I've swept up. I've been surprised how much has gone into a relatively small composting box and there's still lots of room. We haven't taken any compost from the bottom yet. I'll leave the timing of that to Mrs WW as it's her project. The compost she made in bags was very good and easily better than the bags of compost bought from B&Q.
we have a compost bin as well , I’ve only been able to fill it by a quarter it breaks down as fast as I fill it
the council also provides compost at the allotment which is made from green bin waste and good quality
I don’t want to buy compost apart from the cost I don’t want to use peat based compost because of the damage to wetlands
we have a compost bin as well , I’ve only been able to fill it by a quarter it breaks down as fast as I fill it
the council also provides compost at the allotment which is made from green bin waste and good quality
I don’t want to buy compost apart from the cost I don’t want to use peat based compost because of the damage to wetlands

The B&Q stuff has tended to include twiggy bits and roots. Mrs WW's home made stuff has been just perfect with none of that. I was worried ours would blow over or just start to list so I screwed two brackets to the wall and slid the compost box between them and it's been stable.
Any idea why it leaked?

Nope I just wear them on my walks etc. Often out in the wet for a long time so need a good coat.
I did ask whether it would be worth trying to reproof it but the lady that served me said no as it could be any
number of reasons why it had failed, hence giving me a new one
I realised there was a problem when my hair started dripping despite the hood being up :rolleyes:
Peter Storm are usually pretty good. I have their over trousers.

I use a Mountain warehouse rain jacket that packs away nice and small. Had it a few years now and it's still good in heavy rain.

I blast it with silicon spray a couple of times a year.
Nope I just wear them on my walks etc. Often out in the wet for a long time so need a good coat.
I did ask whether it would be worth trying to reproof it but the lady that served me said no as it could be any
number of reasons why it had failed, hence giving me a new one
I realised there was a problem when my hair started dripping despite the hood being up :rolleyes:

It's not a problem I've ever had. Maybe a stitching problem? Who knows...
Peter Storm are usually pretty good. I have their over trousers.

I use a Mountain warehouse rain jacket that packs away nice and small. Had it a few years now and it's still good in heavy rain.

I blast it with silicon spray a couple of times a year.

Can't argue with any of that, I've had several Peter Storm items without problem, including a small pack away rain jacket.
Have mountain warehouse water proof leggings that are years old and still ok, the ones with the poppers and zips up the side, which I too refresh the waterproofing regularly.
According to the lady who served me, if the waterproofing was missed in manufacture, which seems likely usng the psrays etc won't give a good job

It's not a problem I've ever had. Maybe a stitching problem? Who knows...

Absolutely not a seam/stitching problem, just not waterproof all over, no droplets forming on it as is normal, the new one does when sprayed with water
Can't argue with any of that, I've had several Peter Storm items without problem, including a small pack away rain jacket.
Have mountain warehouse water proof leggings that are years old and still ok, the ones with the poppers and zips up the side, which I too refresh the waterproofing regularly.
According to the lady who served me, if the waterproofing was missed in manufacture, which seems likely usng the psrays etc won't give a good job

Absolutely not a seam/stitching problem, just not waterproof all over, no droplets forming on it as is normal, the new one does when sprayed with water
Not good for any brand....

The cynic in me suggests ~ very poor QC that the fabric has not had its treatments! Or worse counterfeit products in the supply channel!!

Peter Storm not that well rated by Which

And Trust Pilot makes for disappointing reading:(
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And Trust Pilot makes for disappointing reading:(

Unless I am reading different reviews to you, most of them seem to be about boots, which I have never bought, and the cheaper coats, which could possibly be shower jackets rather then waterproof, and customer care, which I had no problem with via the shop
J stand by my views, this is the first time I have had a problem with any of their products and I have had several in the past
Reading about the Which report above lead me to the newish Ghic card which we have now applied for, Ta.
Mrs WW made these blueberry pastries yesterday and they're lovely :D There's enough left for today so I'll be having one in just a minute :D


I've been clearing out my man cave over the last couple of days, and just thrown out 3 bin bags of "stuff" !

Just wait for the WBMT post,
when I say that I've been clearing out my man cave, and now can't find a damned thing.

Or "that" lead I've not needed in 10 years, I suddenly find I need it :D
That is the trouble with such clear outs........

You still can't find anything and when you look you realise one if the things you are seeking is something you threw out 'yesterday' :headbang:
That is the trouble with such clear outs........

You still can't find anything and when you look you realise one if the things you are seeking is something you threw out 'yesterday' :headbang:
Yep they call that sods law (y)

but praise the deity for Amazon next day delivery, should that be the case :)
  • Haha
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I've been clearing out my man cave over the last couple of days, and just thrown out 3 bin bags of "stuff" !

Just wait for the WBMT post,
when I say that I've been clearing out my man cave, and now can't find a damned thing.

Or "that" lead I've not needed in 10 years, I suddenly find I need it :D

Been there, done that.:D
What’s in the glass/jug? Looks like the meths I have in my garage.:naughty:

It's blue tea. Mrs WW made it from the leaves from a bush in her home garden back in Thailand. It's a widespread drink in the far east. They collect the leaves dry them and then make the tea. It has a subtle taste but it is nice. You can buy it in specialist and asian shops in the UK but she did bring a big bag of leaves back from Thailand so we have the home made real thing now :D
Thanks WW, learn something new every day or it’s a wasted day, will look out for that.
Chasing a parcel from UPS but you have to sign up to get details. They ask for a username so being in a bad mood I typed in UPSRC%%%%% (edited to save getting in lots of trouble with the mods). Anyway what made me chuckle was when the screen came back with Username already in use!
More of a chuckle really.
Someone posted a picture of a Lamborghini, on the local FB page.
The Lambo wasn't parked strictly between and centered within the parking bay lines.
But I'm sure we have all seen much worse.

Over 250 posts followed the image, I've never seen the locals so irate about anything!
Basically berating the person for having a nice car being entitled and much more.

A couple of posters did a PNC and discovered it wasn't taxed, off they went again..
Jealousy is a not a pleasant trait :D
More of a chuckle really.
Someone posted a picture of a Lamborghini, on the local FB page.
The Lambo wasn't parked strictly between and centered within the parking bay lines.
But I'm sure we have all seen much worse.

Over 250 posts followed the image, I've never seen the locals so irate about anything!
Basically berating the person for having a nice car being entitled and much more.

A couple of posters did a PNC and discovered it wasn't taxed, off they went again..
Jealousy is a not a pleasant trait :D
Probably some poor kit car enthusiast wondering why everybody hates his VW powered Lambo!
Over 250 posts followed the image, I've never seen the locals so irate about anything!
Basically berating the person for having a nice car being entitled and much more.

I suffered a lot of hassle with cars. People spat at me as I drove past and would walk up to me to tell me how awful my car was. After a while I started replying with some cutting one liners which usually stopped them dead but one thing that always baffled me was that it was almost certainly mostly jealousy but any one of them could own what I had if it was a big enough priority for them. Some of my cars cost less than you could pay for a top end but more anonymous Ford or Vauxhall.

Anyway. One thing which gave me a bit of a lift this morning. Walking in the pouring rain and knowing a safe home and a cup of tea was waiting for me. There is something good about walking into a nice warm home when the weather is bad outside.
WCMUT. Arriving at the vax centre and there was no queue. Straight in and out and then told "Wait 15 minutes before driving", so had a pleasant coffee and a cake in the hospita's M&S cafe, before driving home.
I suffered a lot of hassle with cars. People spat at me as I drove past and would walk up to me to tell me how awful my car was.
Sticks and stones and all that.

Walking in the pouring rain and knowing a safe home and a cup of tea was waiting for me.
No rain here for a few days,
Quite apart from a lovely bimble with the top down, a huge charm of Goldfinches (at least 50, possibly a lot more) flitting around as we walked along Dawlish Warren really cheered me up, as did the big cheese and bacon burger after the walk!
WCMUT was getting both the flu and booster C19 jabs this morning - the least noticeable jabs I can ever remember having! I suppose all the jabbers have had so much practise over the past couple of years that they're dab hands at it.
A day out with old friends from my Mini owners club. Have only seen them once since we moved over 3 years ago, and that was just after we got here. Blue skies, twisty roads, good friends, and coffee....


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My stepdaughter came home from uni for the weekend and instead of sitting round watching crap tv in silence we got the monopoly board out and played that most of the evening, and had a great time. She's always been addicted to it but, surprisingly, struggles to find like minded early 20's to join in :) Its just nice to still get the odd "family" time now she's older.