WCMUT....what cheered me up today

My stepdaughter came home from uni for the weekend and instead of sitting round watching crap tv in silence we got the monopoly board out and played that most of the evening, and had a great time. She's always been addicted to it but, surprisingly, struggles to find like minded early 20's to join in :) Its just nice to still get the odd "family" time now she's older.

I remember when my son used to come home, and he just wanted "family time", maybe as a break from all that was going on at Uni. Cherish the time while you can, our lad made Bristol his home after studying there, and we were lucky to see him once every few months when he was working. Now he has a little one of his own we get plenty of visits and lot's of "Facetime".
Great news!

I've just received an email from Mr. Samuel Ekeh, The Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of United Bank For Africa Nigeria and he's going to send me the sum of US$5.000,000.00 by courier!

I've no idea how big the parcel will be but I hope it'll fit through the letter box as we're going out later. They're going to have a fit at the exchange counter at ASDA when I take this in and swap it for £.

I'll be able to buy an armful of Twin Peaks bars from the Pound Shop! :D
First CMU moment was seeing 2 young foxes playing on our front lawn and using the cheapo fake lawn opposite as a scratching area!

The early mist burning off in a couple of minutes while we were waiting for the bell on the 3rd tee was #2.

I expect #3 to be food related - that usually CMU!
A lovely day out on the East Lothian coast with a coffee and cake stop at Falco's.


It was a hard choice.

Mrs t's


mine disappeared to quickly to be photographed, it was a baked white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake.
Had my 4th Covid and first ever flu jabs yesterday. This morning I felt like my upper arms had been stabbed with blunt scissors.

Still a bit uncomfortable but much better now.
We went for a day out today and whilst driving along the car displayed a fault and said that the rear right tyre was under pressure at 28. When we stopped I had a look and everything looked fine so I thought I wouldn't worry and I'd just check when we got home but on the drive back the fault disappeared off the screen so I thought it might be the car computer just playing up. When we got home I checked and guess what?... It was indeed down to 28 so I put it back where it should be, 32.

I've never had a car this clever before :D
We went for a day out today and whilst driving along the car displayed a fault and said that the rear right tyre was under pressure at 28. When we stopped I had a look and everything looked fine so I thought I wouldn't worry and I'd just check when we got home but on the drive back the fault disappeared off the screen so I thought it might be the car computer just playing up. When we got home I checked and guess what?... It was indeed down to 28 so I put it back where it should be, 32.

I've never had a car this clever before :D

I've got a leaky valve stem on my O/S/F, keeps dropping from 42 to mid 30's and the alarm goes off. Does it about once every two weeks.
Had my 4th Covid and first ever flu jabs yesterday. This morning I felt like my upper arms had been stabbed with blunt scissors.

Still a bit uncomfortable but much better now.
My 4th Covid jab was Moderna. It's the first one that has knocked me sideways. Tired, headache and dead arm for almost a week. better than the "real thing" though I guess. WCMUT ? Now feeling better!
My 4th Covid jab was Moderna. It's the first one that has knocked me sideways. Tired, headache and dead arm for almost a week. better than the "real thing" though I guess. WCMUT ? Now feeling better!

We both had our 4th COVID jab, the bivalent Moderna one and other than a little expected soreness were fine.

However, a week later we had the flu jab.....my OH was fine but for the first time in I think 5 years of flu jab I was a bit out of sorts, with some flu symptoms. Nothing "bad" just a bit off colour!
We've just had some raspberries from the garden. I think that's as fresh as you can get :D

Oh, and idly pressing buttons in my car I managed to call up a critique of my driving. I got 53mpg and a rating of 98%. That's nice of it but there's clearly 2% room for improvement. I never knew it was keeping an eye on me :D
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We've had a lot of blackberries at the top of the garden, this year...

Blackberries on leaves P1011224.JPG
Ours bramble hasn't been in long but we're hoping for more each year.
Currently in Croatia and a gin and tonic is £1.75
I've just done my monthly internet banking and looking at bills day and I'm over £900 up on last month. I'm about a week late doing the banking so this could just be a timing thing as bills come in and so does income at different times so it might level itself out but at least for a few minutes I'm going to feel happy :D

As a saver who lives on a company pension and savings interest I do appreciate that the current interest rate rises aren't good news for everyone. After having no income other than interest payments for something like 11 years it's nice to have the thought that income is exceeding expenditure at least for just a few minutes.
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I bought a brand new to me used car a while back and after a few weeks it threw up an error code and then went back to normal and it never came back. I was a bit worried about this and my usual place was struggling to pin it down so today I took it to an independent specialist. They checked it out and declared it fit and healthy and they charged me... nothing. Which was very nice of them. The main dealer wanted something like £180 to diagnose the fault but I assume this somehow merges into the final bill so I was very pleasantly surprised to be told "No charge" today :D

No wonder they have a good reputation :D
I needed some more blades for my Logan 500 craft knife.

A search online revealed a budget worthy price (item cost and P&P) that was AOK.

Ordered yesterday afternoon delivered today! The company was Graphics Direct and I will likely use them again......and hopefully the service will nexjisy as good:)
I bought a brand new to me used car a while back and after a few weeks it threw up an error code and then went back to normal and it never came back. I was a bit worried about this and my usual place was struggling to pin it down so today I took it to an independent specialist. They checked it out and declared it fit and healthy and they charged me... nothing. Which was very nice of them. The main dealer wanted something like £180 to diagnose the fault but I assume this somehow merges into the final bill so I was very pleasantly surprised to be told "No charge" today :D

No wonder they have a good reputation :D

Might be worth asking the independent if they have the full suite of JLR software (NOT a cheap package, I'm told) - some go for a cut down version which has its limitations.
Might be worth asking the independent if they have the full suite of JLR software (NOT a cheap package, I'm told) - some go for a cut down version which has its limitations.

I asked and they said they had all the JLR software.

The error code is very specific. Even my usual garage manged to diagnose it but they thought the car might need its software reinstalling as they'd seen one a few years ago throw up random errors and reinstalling the software fixed it. NE 4x4 don't think that is necessary as the car has never thrown up anything since. Fingers crossed turning it off and back on again has "fixed" it :D
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As you say, fingers crossed!
Popped into town today and, in the subdued weather, I took a seat outside a cafe for a coffee. Opposite me, on the far pavement stood a gent selling the Big Issue. Over the course of some 30 minutes, nobody bought a copy; many trudged by avoiding eye contact, some even noticeably crossing the pathway rather than any potential contact. A few people shook their head or put their hand up. In these times of austerity, hardship and people struggling to get by, I understand that every penny counts, but it also does so for this man. I had the privilege of having my coffee. After the 30 minutes, I went to say hi to him, a short natter and passed a £5 note to him without taking a copy. I hope it helps him; it didn't necessarily 'Cheer me up', but I came away feeling better for perhaps helping in a small way. I wish we all could take a simple minute to see beyond the obvious.
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WCMUT ? Yesterday actually. My four year old grandson watching the news with us :- "Is Boris coming back? I like Boris because he's silly, like me!" Not political. Just a four year old's observation and comment.
WCMUT was finding a pair of shoes in the sale. I knew exactly what size I needed and that I wanted slip-ons. The only pair of slip=ons on 9 1/2 H (Clarks sizing) turned out to be on the sale rack beside me, fitted like... well, a pair of shoes(!) so I was in and out in under 10 minutes!
Yup - just the one space for my whole foot rather than spreading my toes!
hahaha :D

View: https://BANNED/MichaelWarbur17/status/1586049318557188096
The number of beautiful landscape images at the top of the page when I logged on this morning.