Weather warning

As I understand it, Denmark might be getting/have been hit quite hard by the same storm. Apparently it picked up force as it passed over the UK and continued across the North Sea. Hope Jan survives as well as we seem to have.
Dover Harbour when the storm had hit it's peak at 7 am yesterday (NOTE: this photo wasn't taken by me, but belongs to Dover Sea Safari but it gives you an idea of what it has been like around here).


That is only six miles away to my east but Folkestone Harbour only two minutes walk from my house got hit good and hard. I was too chicken to get out there with the camera as I didn't like the terrifying sounding roar coming from above.
Yet it was an retreating neap tide at that time, I dread to think what it would be like if it was a high spring tide. Doesn't bear thinking about as it would cause flooding at prone low-lying coastal areas.

Looking back, I reckon we have actually dodged a bullet as it came close to being The Perfect Storm.
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Don't mean to be flippant about the storm, I know we missed it here and things got a bit heavy down south, hope you're all OK.

BTW, Jan's OK, she's trying to win the "What is it " thread as we speak! :)
Don't mean to be flippant about the storm, I know we missed it here and things got a bit heavy down south, hope you're all OK.

BTW, Jan's OK, she's trying to win the "What is it " thread as we speak! :)

OY! :bat:

....and I don't need to win, someone else does!
