Website ideas

No problem.

Elsewhere, I wouldn't say you needed to replace or combine a booking and contact form, just as long as if you have both, they are in the main menu and clearly labelled.

For me though, the portfolio on the homepage is a little overwhelming, and not helped by the darkening hover effect. Obviously you want images on the homepage, but I would prefer a more minimal style accompanied with some of your selling points, maybe with the full on portfolio on a separate page.

But it's looking good, anyway.
No problem.

Elsewhere, I wouldn't say you needed to replace or combine a booking and contact form, just as long as if you have both, they are in the main menu and clearly labelled.

For me though, the portfolio on the homepage is a little overwhelming, and not helped by the darkening hover effect. Obviously you want images on the homepage, but I would prefer a more minimal style accompanied with some of your selling points, maybe with the full on portfolio on a separate page.

But it's looking good, anyway.

Thanks Oli!
I was toying with the idea of a large image instead of multiple... unfortunately it doesn't let me stop it highlighting on hover (unless there's some code I can use) I'll investigate that shortly! :)
Yeah, I figured you might be restricted by the theme you've chosen. Personally I would go with something that only covered, say 60-70% width. A slow fading gallery would look good, just showing one image at a time. But maybe that's not possible.

But if you did do something like that, you would need to fill out the page with a bit more info below.

I've never used Squarespace, and I'm not too clue up on what you can do, so I could be talking nonsense. :D
Yeah, I figured you might be restricted by the theme you've chosen. Personally I would go with something that only covered, say 60-70% width. A slow fading gallery would look good, just showing one image at a time. But maybe that's not possible.

But if you did do something like that, you would need to fill out the page with a bit more info below.

I've never used Squarespace, and I'm not too clue up on what you can do, so I could be talking nonsense. :D

I'll have a play with this idea later and see what I can come up with! Yeah squarespace is great apart from how much it restricts you in the template!