Wedding Day hijacked by a photographer...

Bal Sanghera
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Ok heres the situation, I got married 3 weeks ago and had photographers and videographers booked who had exclusive rights to shoot the wedding... However there was another chap taking photos who is kinda long distant related to the bride but no one said anything to him as they thought he was with the photography team we booked as a trainee. (This might have been a false impression given by him, I dont know as I cannot contact him)

Anyway cut a long story short it turns out he is a newbie wanting to build his portfolio and has gone and given our photos to some of the brides side family without our permission...

So few issues here...

People have already seen some of our wedding photos before we did and before our immediate family (the ones he took without our permission). This is bound to happen with guest as people did have they own point and shoots but thats still not the point right?!

Secondly he apprantly wants to use our pictures to show to his potential clients as a wedding photographer! I certainly will not giving my permission but do I really have any right?

I must be honest I am very annoyed as my wife is like WTF! People have seen her pics before she has and even before our own family has!

Just want to see what other peoples views are and am I just blowing this out of proportion... I paid a **** load to my camera team and quite upset at the fact some random has taken photos to use for his own portfolio and given it to relatives who we wanted to surprise with the real photos that we actually paid for!

"BREATH!" :bang:
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I'm no lawyer, and I'm probably wrong, but my understanding of the law is as follows:

The photographer holds copyright to the photos he's taken. However, if they show you (or anyone, for that matter), he can't use them for commercial purposes without a model release. I'm not sure if that applies to portfolios or not. Googling reveals mixed results in that regard.

You probably don't want to get into a big legal issue with this, simply because even if you do win it'll cause a lot of stress and cost you lots of money. You could try writing the guy a nicely worded (but firm) letter outlining the fact he has no model release and so cannot use the photos commercially, but I'd be wary of sending him anything without consulting a lawyer if you do intend to do anything legal.

Unfortunately, in these cases probably the best thing to do is to ignore it. The guy was out of order by doing what he did, but you can't undo it now. Be pleased that there's more photos of your wedding!

Edit: Apparently you don't need a model release in the UK. I've had too much american influence! Pretty much stuck then!
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The guys a **** oh well...
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I'm no lawyer either but I'm certain you don't need a model release in the UK so I'd suggest that's a non-runner from the start. Don't know if there's any legal way to stop the photos that were taken on any private property but I suspect you'll have to get the property owners involved. Anything taken on pulic land you have no rights on at all.

I think some discussion with the bloke that took the photos is in order rather than legal proceedings as I don't think you'll get anywhere.
Not really interested in the any legal action to be honest, I just find it very annoying someone has come to my wedding during the ceremony and taken our pictures without any permisson whatsoever and plans to use them god knows how.

Worst thing is I still havent seen these pictures which hes given out on disc. Even if he was doing it as a gift surely he should of given it to me or my wife.
no ideas on the legal side, but surely morally he should be giving you a copy of the pics he took of YOUR wedding, without even bothering to get permission, seems he has used the fact its a family (no matter how distant) wedding, and thinks it wont be a problem !
If your photographer had exclusive rights to photograph your wedding and, it is in writing, could you not ask your photographer to have a word, pointing out that he did not have permission to take photos, may be a bit late now.
Did you actually invite him to your wedding or did he just turn up?

Putting aside the fact he wants to use them for his portfolio:

If you did invite him then I guess you have to ask yourselves whether you would have wanted to ask a guest not to take their own pictures? I'm sure plenty of people had their camera's out and will be sharing the pictures before your official shots come through. It is very rude of him not to share them with you though...

Is it the fact they are good quality that is annoying you i.e. more than your average family snap? If so then you may as well make the most of the situation and get yourself some extra free pictures - he can hardly say no!

As for him using them for commercial puposes - I would just make it loud and clear that you have not been impressed by the way he's gone about things so far and you would not be happy about him doing this. Beyond that it is going to get messy if you take it further and franky, why sully memories of your big day by giving this issue the time of day. Let it go...
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If he was a guest, nothing you can do. Aside from have a work from his side of the family and tell them they will not be invited to any more family do's.

Shame about that.
just try to get a copy of the pictures from him, i doubt you'd be able to persue anything else.

is this thread title not a bit melodramatic? surely you have many happy memories of your wedding day, dont let this cloud your memories, i doubt it ruined your day
thats just desi weddings for you mate... it almost makes you wonder why people like that are invited anyway!
I dont think you ought to pursue this with him

At the end of the day he was an invited guest who took his own photo's , not unusual at a wedding , i personally dont think you can invite people and not allow them to take their own photos , smacks of OK magazine to me

If he had turned up with a lesser camera would you have been as wound up ?
he can't use them for commercial purposes without a model release. I'm not sure if that applies to portfolios or not. Googling reveals mixed results in that regard.
Model releases are not legally required in the UK, Google doesn't show mixed results, go find me a law that says they're required. :)

However if he was shooting on private property without permission, there could be issues there that may lean to your advantage.
bit out of order. There are chancers in all communities & walks of life

i think Bal knows what I mean. We are both asian. He'll know what I am on about and know that my comment has no malice in it.
you need a model release for certain situations - promotion of your own work is not one of them. if he wanted to use them to advertise wedding dresses or sell them to a company for such a thing then he would need a model release.

Model releases are not legally required in the UK, Google doesn't show mixed results, go find me a law that says they're required. :)

However if he was shooting on private property without permission, there could be issues there that may lean to your advantage.
you need a model release for certain situations - promotion of your own work is not one of them. if he wanted to use them to advertise wedding dresses or sell them to a company for such a thing then he would need a model release.

Prove it. Go show me a law that says model releases are legally required. They are not. It may be company policy with some stock and other agencies that distribute to countries where model releases are required, but it is NOT legally required in the UK, or at least certainly not in England.
you need a model release for certain situations - promotion of your own work is not one of them. if he wanted to use them to advertise wedding dresses or sell them to a company for such a thing then he would need a model release.

legally you don't.

Bal, sorry mate I don't think there is anything you can do about this. Frfom the private property point of view as you'd invited him not sure what followup you could have on that line
i think Bal knows what I mean. We are both asian. He'll know what I am on about and know that my comment has no malice in it.

Perfect opp for aforementioned opportunist photographer to enter into the lucrative Asian wedding market.

Just make sure that you let all and sundry know about his underhand tactics, and that way, it will only be the penny pinchers that will use him.

and if he is such a twunt, make sure that your wife tells the relatives ... after you have asked them to see the images. Or of course you could tell the aunties something obtuse about his relationship status ..... :naughty:
Bal, my advice is let it go.. You are in danger of letting something that you can do little about overshadow what should be one of the best memories in your life. It happened, the photo’s are out there so just use it as a funny story to tell about your wedding day, as in “you will never guess what happened on our wedding day” etc...

Life is too short to worry about such things.
Invite him to the christening (or whatever) of your first-born and get 'the lads' to sort him out - simples ;)
Ask him not to use them for his portfolio and hope he agrees. If he's more likely to listen to other family members maybe ask them to have a word.

Or you could make the best of it and ask for copies.

If he doesn't agree, there's little you can do. He holds all the copyright and is legally entitled to use them in any way so long as it is not deflamatory. As others have pointed out, model releases are not required by UK law.
Thanks for all the replies, this was probz just rant on my behalf as has he literally ruined my surprise to our families.

The whole point of getting professional photographers was so we can have amazing pictures in a great album and show everyone personally. Family at a time. This guy has just gone and ruined that moment...

I have his contact number and will be giving him a call tomorrow and have a few polite words... I am not interested in the pictures he has took, as I had 4 dedicated photographers and 3 videographers covering our wedding and did an absolutely amazing job!

I just cannot believe his behaviour... I guess eventually I will be invited to one of his childrens Weddings so perhaps I will return the favour lol :wave:
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Thanks for all the replies, this was probz just rant on my behalf as has he literally ruined my surprise to our families.

The whole point of getting professional photographers was so we can have amazing pictures in a great album and show everyone personally. Family at a time. This guy has just gone and ruined that moment...

I have his contact number and will be giving him a call tomorrow and have a few polite words... I am not interested in the pictures he has took, as I had 4 dedicated photographers and 3 videographers covering our wedding and did an absolutely amazing job!

I just cannot believe his behaviour... I guess eventually I will be invited to one of his childrens Weddings so perhaps I will return the favour lol :wave:

He hasn't ruined the supprise, they have seen his photos on a screen and not the ones your togs took that are in an ablum, which imho is very different also the family were at the wedding so its not like they didn't know what you and your wife looked liked on the day.

I personally would not bother phoning him as it could cause a family rift, which just isn't worth the hassle for possibly years down the line.
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Many congratulations on your marriage & all the very best for the future !
If your photographer had legal rights written in a contract that he has exclusive rights for photo's then I guess he could talk to this relative and ask him under no circumstances to use the photo's to promote his own work as the photographer may believe that he will be associated with his business which he doesn't want.
Only thing I can think of is that he can't use the photos for commercial use on private land if they owners of the private land says 'No.' - not sure how you can swing that one if you don't own the land.
Many congratulations on your marriage & all the very best for the future !


Dont worry I had a very polite conversation and he was very apologetic and didnt realise he needed my permission. I told him "you dont need my permission to do photography but it is common courtesy to ask someone before taking the picture especially at their wedding.

His only excuse was I it was his first time using a dslr camera and never used it before... His landscape shots on his flicker page tells a different story :thinking: oh well drama over...

Iv got a lovely honeymoon next week to look forward to (y) "NO PHOTOGRAPHY ALLOWED" except me with my TZ7 :D
you need a model release for certain situations - promotion of your own work is not one of them. if he wanted to use them to advertise wedding dresses or sell them to a company for such a thing then he would need a model release.

We have been through this before have we not? ;)

He wouldn't require a model release for ANY usage. However, if the person therein objected to the use of the image (it for example, showed them in a defamatory manner, or seemingly promoting a product against their wish) then he would be leaving himself open to being sued. But he wouldn't require one, still.
I know but in all honesty the guy could have said 'tough' and what else could be done?
legally you do - I can't take a picture of you and then sell it to a company to use for advertisment without your permission.

Again, please show me this law. Links?
I just cannot believe his behaviour... I guess eventually I will be invited to one of his childrens Weddings so perhaps I will return the favour lol :wave:

Two wrongs dont make a right,

he should really have let you see the photos first though, then you could have told him your plans, shame he spoiled part of the surprise, but as you have the official shots in albums for your family's, and vids to give them, theyll be happy

Have a great Honeymoon, where you going?
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legally you do - I can't take a picture of you and then sell it to a company to use for advertisment without your permission.

Again, please show me this law. Links?


Legally you don't, you could take a picture of him and sell it for advertising. But then you would be facing a law suit if there were any objections. I'd love to show you a link.. but no one writes about what isn't law :p
promotion of your own work is not one of them. if he wanted to use them to advertise wedding dresses

Oh, and I don't believe the law makes a distinction or cares whether you're using the images to advertise somebdoy else's business or your own if something ever did go to court. Both are commercial use.