Weirdish's 52 2011 - week 24, Bright added

Hi Darren

much prefer your edited version of Broken...the slight color works really well...well done for trying it (y) a button works well & fits the theme .The shadows don't bother me as they happen naturally (y)

I agree with Neil... there is something about the lighting that isn't right. The button looks like its being lit... rather than it shining in it's own right!

However i'm seriously lacking lighting skill... you really need Webby's advice... he seems to be the 52 2011 lighting guru!

Great idea though... just needs a reshoot I think!

I like it including the shadows. Well composed and good depth.

The light on the button does spoil it for me, thought and I'd like to see more of the ribbons or none at all.

Ok the idea of lighting the button is because as the title says "Bright as a button". The button won't light itself so I gave it a little help but it appears that the majority of you don't like the results which is ok, I'll just have to try harder on next weeks theme .
I did try cropping out the ribbons but the photo looked too empty & I didn't want all of them in shot, as the focus is supposed to be on the button. Had I zoomed out to capture all of the ribbons I would have then caught some of the arm patch so then I'd have had another dilemma, do I keep part of the arm patch or zoom out again? 
Hiya Darren

Apologies for the late reply.

As for your second image of Broken ... I still prefer the first (sorry to throw a spanner in the works).

On to 'bright' .... I like the idea ... but have to agree with others about the lighting.

Perhaps if the jacket on the left was straightened out a bit, i.e., brought in line with the right that would prevent the shadow .... also it would add to the more 'regimental' nature associated with a uniform as I think the image as displayed is slightly 'untidy' for want of a better word.

From personal experience, a uniform needs to be 'pristine', and I think that would then help with the lighting of the buttons. I would definitely maintain the DOF as I like the OOF commendations in the top right.

Nonetheless a good idea for the theme


Dawn :)
drodd said:
Hiya Darren

Apologies for the late reply.

As for your second image of Broken ... I still prefer the first (sorry to throw a spanner in the works).

On to 'bright' .... I like the idea ... but have to agree with others about the lighting.

Perhaps if the jacket on the left was straightened out a bit, i.e., brought in line with the right that would prevent the shadow .... also it would add to the more 'regimental' nature associated with a uniform as I think the image as displayed is slightly 'untidy' for want of a better word.

From personal experience, a uniform needs to be 'pristine', and I think that would then help with the lighting of the buttons. I would definitely maintain the DOF as I like the OOF commendations in the top right.

Nonetheless a good idea for the theme


Dawn :)

Hi Dawn. I know what you mean about the wrinkles. The buttons are done up to try to keep the jacket as flat as possible & it is still actually on the hanger although it is laid down. I had contemplated hanging it up but it was very awkward to get the shot upwards.
Hi Darren, I'm just trying to keep up with all the commenting on others 52's

Twisted is on theme and you know is oof so we'll leave it at that, though I like it ;)
Hidden is also on theme and certainly hidden well ;)
Broken, I'm another it doesn't work for, not even the desaturated version.
Bright, I like the concept and I think it just needs a differing lighting system, not that I can help with suggestions :confused:
Here is the shot with no torchlight and I've also given it an antique look, as it is an original U.S. officers uniform from WW2. What do you think of this one? Personally I don't think it fits the theme as well, I still like the original.

I like the pic.. but the button doesnt' stand out as much... perhaps see whether a merge of the two (with just the button highlighted) would work or whether it would just look like a button with a weird colour...

Crisp detail and nice dof tho


Actually quite like it :D - let me know if you want it taken down
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OK, welcome Darren, sorry I haven’t commented before.
Just a quick catch up from me.
Twisted, OOF, great idea, slightly tighter crop to loos the white on the right, maybe more of an angle on the wire so it doesn't bisect the shot across the middle.
Hidden, sorry, too messy for me, to many distractions.
Broken, again sorry, but the sky is blown, and the shot is too flat with washed out colours.

Now the main shot for me, Bright.
Well done for attempting to modify light and use it to enhance your vision.
I'm not convinced you have pulled it off, but you are so close.
Please, if you are going to reshoot, give this a go (it's cheap and fun!!!):
Make a light modifier for your small torch. Cut up some BLACK drinking straws to about 2" in length, and tape them together to form a block of straws the same diameter as your torch lens. Tape this to your torch. This will act as a gridded snoot. This will give you a tight focus of light with no spill.
I would then look at getting closer to the focus of the shot, the button. Make it about 3 to 4 times larger in the frame. Maybe move to the left a bit, so the ribbons start in the top right and move diagonally down toward the button. This would also move the pocket seem to the bottom right and lead it in diagonally upwards towards the button.
Loose some of the left of shot.
Once you are happy about the composition, expose the shot in natural light and maybe go 1/2 to 1 stop under. This will give a darker but natural looking uniform.
Then when you are happy about your exposure, shutter etc. Shine the light onto the button and try to come in from the same direction as the natural light source (the button is textured, so the shadows will match that of the cloth!). The gridded snoot will stop any spill onto the cloth.
Remember the button is not supposed to be a light source, but a reflector of a light source.
If the spill is too much, block up some of the straws! :)

The overall effect should be a darker jacket with a brighter button.
If you shoot in RAW, you can then adjust the overall colour temp to suit your mode!

Hope this helps

Adie, thanks for your comments. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the twisted rope bisecting the shot beforehand as I wasn't keen on that either but being up against the outer fencing meant I couldn't move round to get a favourable angle. The only way was to physically rotate the camera & that made the background look wrong.
Thanks for the advice on bright, I am definitely going to have a play with that.

I prefer the second shot for bright.
I think you're trying to too hard to make the button shine for the theme. The button is natural shiny so it's working.

That said, I like the advice Aide has given and I cannot wait to see you give it a go.

"..... Shine the light onto the button and try to come in from the same direction as the natural light ........." So obvious but I suspect I would never have thought of it!
To me twisted looks a little soft / slightly out of focus...I see it was shot at 1/40 @ 200mm so that might explain it....
I like your Bright photo...bang on theme but looks like you may have focussed on the material of the jacket around the button rather than BANG on the button itself...that would probably niggle me if it was my photo :)
Hi well done on bright as a button ,I do like the shot nice cast to it and I think the added light works well having said that I like the other shot not sure which one I like best ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,still not sure ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2nd shot
darren, just going back to Broken. was that taken through a wire fence?

hence maybe why you took it at the angle you did?

sorry if anyone has asked this already i'm all over the place at the moment..
Just found your thread, some good photos... Not that there is a theme with cars or any thing!