What is the photograph you are bored rigid from seeing

I've missed a couple of pages, so apologies if I have missed any mention of those bloody white horses of the Camargue. Closely followed by the goths of Whitby. (Perhaps that's why they are running?)
This thread does feel a bit like a recipe for insulting people's work!

But, while I'm here... portraits striving for the perfect bokeh. (sorry!)
Only seasonal boredom, but Autumn colours when its just three trees with varying shades of Orange
For me it's that lake district shot taken up high looking down on a lake (the place that had a wooden stile in the forground thats now gone, cant remember the name) nothing wrong with the shot and theres some smashing ones on this forum, it's just I keep seeing the same shot taken by different people (even videos on youtube) it's everywhere you look.
that was on the Ambleside side of Loughrigg Fell wasn’t it?

I think everyone has been guilty of visting a place to take exactly the same photo as someone else has. I know I have!

A few years ago I was on a workshop with a friend. It was a great experience watching and getting close to an animal we had tried to photograph in the will over the previous year. Around lunch time we swapped positions and he said to me ‘I’m glad you had a chance to get that image’. It was at that point it dawn on me that there was a ‘shot list’ at this place that every visitor was trying to get! It was ‘sit here, point camera there and get this’ type photography.

The good thing was we both learnt more about the animals behaviour that we could put into practice ourselves and get our own original photos the next year knowing that it was unlikely others would get exactly the same shot (apart from three of us shooting together).
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I'm not exactly saying I'm bored with them but backlit wildlife photos just don't do it for me, but it seems to be a popular subject matter for some
that was on the Ambleside side of Loughrigg Fell wasn’t it?

I think everyone has been guilty of visting a place to take exactly the same photo as someone else has. I know I have!

A few years ago I was on a workshop with a friend. It was a great experience watching and getting close to an animal we had tried to photograph in the will over the previous year. Around lunch time we swapped positions and he said to me ‘I’m glad you had a chance to get that image’. It was at that point it dawn on me that there was a ‘shot list’ at this place that every visitor was trying to get! It was ‘sit here, point camera there and get this’ type photography.

The good thing was we both learnt more about the animals behaviour that we could put into practice ourselves and get our own original photos the next year knowing that it was unlikely others would get exactly the same shot (apart from three of us shooting together).
I think thats the place.
This thread does feel a bit like a recipe for insulting people's work!

But, while I'm here... portraits striving for the perfect bokeh. (sorry!)

Never be sorry for personal opinion.

Only seasonal boredom, but Autumn colours when its just three trees with varying shades of Orange

I love me some Autumnal colour, it can get over done but it's probably one of the shortest windows in photography so get them in while you can. Don't worry though, the leaves are mostly gone already - roll on the ice, frost, misty winter images that will go on a bit longer
Never be sorry for personal opinion.

I love me some Autumnal colour, it can get over done but it's probably one of the shortest windows in photography so get them in while you can. Don't worry though, the leaves are mostly gone already - roll on the ice, frost, misty winter images that will go on a bit longer

I think most of the leaves are in my front and rear gardens
I think most of the leaves are in my front and rear gardens

Same here, we have some big Ash trees out back that have dumped all their leaves in and I'm waiting for a dry day to hoover them all up with the mower
Think mine would be that bloody Puffin with a gob full of Sandeels.
Is it the same one or maybe a model nailed to the cliff top

Can think of a few other candidates, but what is your least favourite?

Best thread to come up on this forum in years.....WELL DONE.
I think every one of mine is listed :plus1:
Not long before these little buggers start appearing in the wild and on here too

P1002672 1.jpg
Then it will soon be time for these little stinkers to show up

DSCF0741 1.jpg
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Ooh thought of one - pointless nudity (its always female) in what is supposed to be a portrait, and especially where they are both naked and wearing high heels !!!

Even boudoir with heels on - I've known a few women (cough) and ALL of them kick off their shoes at the first opportunity, not one has ever put them back on to be 'sexy'

Other pointless nude examples include women wearing a dress that is falling down just enough for a breast to pop out while outdoors somewhere; I've seen a lot of women walking about over the decades and never has that happened

Its soft-porn not portraiture to me

2p rolls on by :D

Newborn photos.
A wise man once said "children are like farts, you can only stand your own" - I'd include most if not all photos of children, not just new borns.

Ooh thought of one - pointless nudity
Apparently it's the height of fashion, if the "fashion" category of 500px is anythin to go by :naughty:
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Only need to show or be shown one and at the most two newborn or wedding photos
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I look forward to getting my own photo of that "bloody Puffin with a gob full of Sandeels" personally, it's on my list for this year, it'd be my own photo so enjoyable to me.

each to their own and all that. photography is subjective surely? one person's boring is another person's interest.
haha wow! Only just found this thread. I think I better pack away and sell the camera gear now.

Is there any possible type of photo imaginable which hasnt been listed on this thread? o_O

Just to add mine into the mix....The "travel photographers" trend on instagram now to post photos of the back of a woman looking away from the camera wearing a yellow or colourful coat and wooly hat. Highlights must be bright and colour saturation reduced.
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If there's no place in this world for photographs of wild flowers, we might as well all give up.
Not sure what a clichéd flower shot is to be honest. I've was looking at my LR library the other day and apart from the show jumping and cross country(equine), the vast majority of my photos are flora. Looks like I need to expand my photography vocabulary :)
Pictures Of Steve McQueen's Bullit Mustang

I really hope now it's sold it ends up in a Museum in Iowa so it can be forgotten for another 30 years
Pictures Of Steve McQueen's Bullit Mustang

I really hope now it's sold it ends up in a Museum in Iowa so it can be forgotten for another 30 years
There are dozens of "look alike" replicas around.
Opened this weeks AP and there it is again, the much loved Puffin mit Sandeel
Doubly blessed because in the same article is that other old favourite a Kingfisher on a stick