What suppliers for newborn photography?

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Hi guys

Does anyone know of any good suppliers for newborn photo shoots. I have purchased some cute hats off etsy before now. But looking for some furniture items like shown on sarahwilkes photography.co.uk

Wooden trench bowl etc.

Any ideas.

Miss Moloko
Hi Miss Moloko.

Have you tried Facebook? There's a gazillion newborn prop selling pages on there.
Also there's a home furniture retail shop called Home-Sense that sell bowls, etc that you might be able to use.
If it's large props, I know Sarah sells some of the props via her Facebook page.

Hope this helps! :)
Maybe try searching fleabay for "shabby chic" or "vintage" or something along those lines "country cottage"?

or even just charity / antique shops and just give them a lick of a watered down white paint to give it that looks?
Hadn't thought of looking on Facebook some lovely hats etc on there but still haven't managed to find any bowls baskets etc was looking for tea cup too but can't find one. On sarah Wilkes Facebook the brochure page doesn't seem to work.

Miss moloko