What's your New Years resolution?

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I can't remember ever making a resolution :thinking: However, in 2013 I am determined to take more pictures.... to actually get off my backside and get out with the camera instead of as well as collecting / trading equipment.

So.... are you making a resolution, and have you stuck to past ones?

Either way, i hope everyone had a great Christmas and wish you all a very happy new year (y)
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Start learning another language.

I did an NVQ in German a couple of years ago and am hoping to carry one this year to a more advanced level (though work) in the hope there may be an opportunity to work in Germany at some point.

Although Mrs Nick_1981 has mentioned that in addition to English I am fluent in bo***cks :LOL:
Im not going to drink any more................... or any less this year haha,

On a serious note Im going to try and get my self back in to cycling and working out really want to get back to my old fitness levels
Im not going to drink any more................... or any less this year haha,

On a serious note Im going to try and get my self back in to cycling and working out really want to get back to my old fitness levels

:beer: :exit:
I was going to make mine to stop procrastinating, but then I thought, nahhh, I'll do it next year.
I don't make any.
Mine is going to be 1920 x 1080 pixels.

Aaaaah, the old 'uns are the best 'uns.

Mine is not to make any promises I know I can't keep :)
Mine was going to be to get fitter but I thought why wait until new year. Lost 8 pounds Last couple weeks and long may it continue.

Another one was to get my 5d3 in January and my 1Dx in June roll on.
more than one here.....

1: Shed some timber
2: Get my part time business up and running
3: Do more constructive things with the kids

that's enough for now :)
antihero said:
more than one here.....

1: Shed some timber
2: Get my part time business up and running
3: Do more constructive things with the kids

that's enough for now :)

Do 2 and 3 go well together? Lol.

Good luck with all you plan for 2013 I hope you achieve them all. :)
i'm going to try and start smoking :cool:
Do 2 and 3 go well together? Lol.

Good luck with all you plan for 2013 I hope you achieve them all. :)

hehe....was thinking that as I typed it, but yes, just means the time we have together should be spent doing things more constructive than watching tv :)

Things will be changing in the new year....spent far too long faffing about. Thanks for the encouragement :)
I've never really seen the point in chosing one particular day to arbitrarily make decisions like that. If I want to do something then I'll do it; whether it's Jan 1st or May 18th makes no odds.
I've never really seen the point in chosing one particular day to arbitrarily make decisions like that. If I want to do something then I'll do it; whether it's Jan 1st or May 18th makes no odds.

Why not "to be less miserable" starting 30th December then? :LOL:
Why not "to be less miserable" starting 30th December then? :LOL:

Please do explain to me what qualifies my post as being miserable. Is it just because I feel no "pollyanna" sense of newness and wonder on January first?
Seriously, if you find my posts so distasteful, please feel free to ignore them completely, rather than treat us to you banal humour.
20+ megapixels. I want a FF sony this year :)

Otherwise 1080p. I feel the need for a new projector.
No particular order....

1) Do more stuff with my little boy
2) Be more assertive at work/less accommodating to chancers
3) Probably get banned from TP for speaking my mind to the miserable fuskers who litter the place
No particular order....

1) Do more stuff with my little boy
2) Be more assertive at work/less accommodating to chancers
3) Probably get banned from TP for speaking my mind to the miserable fuskers who litter the place

good luck with those Pat :) especially #3 (y)
Please do explain to me what qualifies my post as being miserable. Is it just because I feel no "pollyanna" sense of newness and wonder on January first?
Seriously, if you find my posts so distasteful, please feel free to ignore them completely, rather than treat us to you banal humour.

Lets try and keep it friendly, it's supposed to be a light hearted thread :D Antihero's post had a laughing smiley and was clearly tongue in cheek yet you've chosen to take offence.... it would be nice if not every thread descended into bickering :bonk:
To lose half a stone and get back under fourteen stone.

FAIL is what I can hear from the voice in the back of my head:|
To lose half a stone and get back under fourteen stone.

FAIL is what I can hear from the voice in the back of my head:|

No point in trying if you already think your going to fail.
My new year resolution is to carry on just the same as the year before (y)
Not going to learn a new language as I'm already learning Italian (which may stop in February if not enough people enroll for the next part of the course)

I do intend to start swimming again (haven't been since I moved over two years ago), to try to make more rapid progress with my house refurbishment and to find some time from somewhere to get the engine and transaxle installed in the Clan Crusader.

Not saying anything about taking more photos!
Mine is
a) to go to the gym more to get back to my old fitness levels and
b) to get out more on weekends with the camera
I'm doing a sponsored weight loss for a charity called 'Bliss' in 2013 as my new year resolution. It includes a 100k bike ride around London in June.

My aim is to lose 5 stones
I was going to make mine to stop procrastinating, but then I thought, nahhh, I'll do it next year.

I've been meaning to look up the definition of that word for years :shrug:

A resolution or two isn't going to help me; I need a complete mindswipe and a new start!
After last year, not making one. Said last i'd try & make it through the year with out being too ill. Bing, February i get optic neuritis & spend the next 3 months off work!!
Try and get Joescrivens banned from TP :D
I'm not going to make any this year but will hopefully have another fab year like 2012. I do aim to see the Northern Lights in 2013
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A) Get fitter
B) Quit smoking
C) Take life less seriously
D) Stop working so hard
E) Spend more time with my kids
F) Spend more time with my camera
G) Spend less time with the Mrs :D
H) Stop wasting precious time on Facebook
I) Be more assertive at work
J) Spend more time SPAMMING posting on TP
K) Be less honest
L) Start thinking about #1 first a bit more (ME that is!)
M) Ensure my in laws know that I CANNOT BLOODY STAND THE SIGHT OF THEM.


N) Stop making promises I cannot keep

And that is all :D