Where to post heavily PP'd work?

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Richard C. Jones

Suspended / Banned
Edit My Images
I want to know where I am suppose to post a work that drew me two heads up with regard to the work being creative and not truly a wildlife shot. It was of a flight (Skeen) od Canada Geese that I cropped and changed the entire background. How much PP is allowed before it is considered a composite and disqualified from a particular genre? Where do I post a work that is a composite?

on the subject of "heavily PP'ed images"... your recent shots added to the "photos: people and portraits" would definitely have received a different reception had they been posted to the "creative photography" section (I actually strongly dislike the whole "creative photography" name, as it kind of implies that all the rest of the areas of the forum AREN'T creative... but that's a different story alltogether) - which is more accurately a forum section for exploring

Experimental / Creative Techniques, either in Post Production (edits, photoshoppery, composites, filters etc or in the actual capture (modified cameras/lenses/on lens filters/strange arcane chemistry with film work)

perhaps the two photo/"pencil art" composites (olivia and zeina) would rest easier in this section - if you agree, I'd be happy to move them there, and post in the thread to explain their move...

However, I should add, that everywhere in the photo sharing sections with the exception of the "photos for pleasure" area is a Critique forum - and as such, members have every right to express their views on the images - you in turn have the right to stand up for your creative decisions and explain why you chose to make those decisions - however, if you simply want "oooh's and aaahh's" and smoke blowing up your fundament, then the critique areas maybe are not for you...
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I actually strongly dislike the whole "creative photography" name, as it kind of implies that all the rest of the areas of the forum AREN'T creative... but that's a different story alltogether
That section is very poorly named, it would be much more appropriate to call it something like "Experimental and Interpretive" - that would also pick up those using experimental techniques and devices in front of the lens as well as post-capture processing. I wouldn't personally classify my vortoscope "creative", but it's certainly "experimental".

How much PP is allowed before it is considered a composite and disqualified from a particular genre?
There's no "disqualification" that I'm aware of, but it's your choice (or error) in placing a photo in a specific sub-forum that determines the bias comment/critique you get. You need to have a read through a section to decide if it's likely to be the right one for your image. If the consensus is that it's the wrong sub-forum then if you're lucky a Mod will move it for you, if not you're likely to get comments about how your submission compares to the norm for that sub-forum rather than having it taken as a creative piece of work. For your type of processing, default to Creative Photography and venture out of their at your own risk. To be honest, this should have been clear if you'd spent time any time reading the forum.

on the subject of "heavily PP'ed images"... your recent shots added to the "photos: people and portraits" would definitely have received a different reception had they been posted to the "creative photography" section (I actually strongly dislike the whole "creative photography" name, as it kind of implies that all the rest of the areas of the forum AREN'T creative... but that's a different story alltogether) - which is more accurately a forum section for exploring

Experimental / Creative Techniques, either in Post Production (edits, photoshoppery, composites, filters etc or in the actual capture (modified cameras/lenses/on lens filters/strange arcane chemistry with film work)

perhaps the two photo/"pencil art" composites (olivia and zeina) would rest easier in this section - if you agree, I'd be happy to move them there, and post in the thread to explain their move...

However, I should add, that everywhere in the photo sharing sections with the exception of the "photos for pleasure" area is a Critique forum - and as such, members have every right to express their views on the images - you in turn have the right to stand up for your creative decisions and explain why you chose to make those decisions - however, if you simply want "oooh's and aaahh's" and smoke blowing up your fundament, then the critique areas maybe are not for you...

Maybe you and this sarcastic forum are not for me. Adios!
Maybe you and this sarcastic forum are not for me. Adios!

For the sake of clarity, has there been a single post so far that has not caused you to take umbridge?
Dummies and spit spring to mind.

Ask for opinions.
Don't agree with common consensus.
Slam door on way out.
I thought Umbridge was where the Archers was set. :exit:
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He possibly took offence to the

"if you simply want "oooh's and aaahh's" and smoke blowing up your fundament, then the critique areas maybe are not for you..."

after seeing MOD EDIT: REDACTED from lynton which was when i posted the ?? as I thought that's a bit arsey to be honest.

Certainly since he's announced leaving he does appear to be reasonably well founded in his opinion of sarcastic remarks if not now name calling in the post above?
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It's comments like those from @Lynton and @RBaker that put the "friendly" into "friendly forum".

A pair of tits pouring oil on the fire for a cheap laugh.
We were really kind to Richard in the Bird Section, fair but also kind - this always happens, venture out of the security and warmth of the Bird Section where intelligent comments and fair critique abound and this is what usually happens.

Richard - don't leave just stick with us fella in the Bird section - every time I venture out of the section I get "banned" for a few days
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We were really kind to Richard in the Bird Section, fair but also kind - this always happens, venture out of the security and warmth of the Bird Section where intelligent comments and fair critique abound and this is what usually happens.

Richard - don't leave just stick with us fella in the Bird section - every time I venture out of the section I get "banned" for a few days

That should tell you something ;)
every time I venture out of the section I get "banned" for a few days

By all means Bill, feel free to stick to the Feathered section. It gives the staff no pleasure whatsoever to have to go around clearing up the random gibberish you manage to post in the greater forum, or to have to remove the personal insults you throw around which are the reason you get banned on a regular basis.
It's comments like those from @Lynton and @RBaker that put the "friendly" into "friendly forum".

A pair of tits pouring oil on the fire for a cheap laugh.

Comments were far from helpful, and have been removed / warnings issued. Perhaps you could simply report them, rather than launching personal attacks of your own.
Perhaps you could simply report them, rather than launching personal attacks of your own.
As you'd posted *after* the first of them, I assumed it was acceptable to the current forum policies. There's been a lot of latitude given to personal attacks in the past couple of months.

I'd be amazed if this thread wasn't already on the "watch list".
there's a simpler reason Alastair... I'd missed it. Just plain and simple, hadn't read it at the time. Sometimes happens when I'm trying to fire-fight in one thread while actually doing some paid work in another window.
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It seems like us togs are a highly conservative bunch, when it comes to it. I'm a little reminded of various discussions about 'art' and many of us expecting all art to be what we perceive as of excellent quality, brilliantly executed and to provide an uplifting experience. A lot of art that seems to be recognised by those far more experienced in those matters is pretty much the opposite of all those things, and it makes me wonder if Richard is right, and this isn't the place for that side of his work.
Comments were far from helpful, and have been removed / warnings issued. Perhaps you could simply report them, rather than launching personal attacks of your own.

At the risk of putting my head above the parapet and disgruntling a mod you're own comment "if you simply want "oooh's and aaahh's" and smoke blowing up your fundament, then the critique areas maybe are not for you..." while less pointed, was no less sarcastic and was part of the post the OP actually quoted giving his reason for his dissatisfaction.:(
I do tend to agree with Donnie/Paul's above observation.

I smell a :lock: coming along...
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