Which lens should I use for nightclub photography?

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Hi, I have a 600D - so crop sensor body. The lenses I have are a Tokina 11-16 2.8 and a Sigma 17-50 2.8. I don't really want to be leaving kit lying around/in my car.

The club I will be at is a lloyds bar/club so I don't think it will be "packed" but it will have a fair few people in I'd imagine.

Do you think my Tokina would be a bit intimidating for people having me get so close to their face?

Try - for some people, the Tokina fits the shooting task perfectly, for other people it'll be the shorter end of a 17-50/17-55mm. I think the 17-50 is more versatile, because when you are doing pictures of just one or two people rather than a group of people, a mid range zoom is perfect - and obviously much easier than an 11-16mm.
use both

Hi, I have a 600D - so crop sensor body. The lenses I have are a Tokina 11-16 2.8 and a Sigma 17-50 2.8. I don't really want to be leaving kit lying around/in my car.

The club I will be at is a lloyds bar/club so I don't think it will be "packed" but it will have a fair few people in I'd imagine.

Do you think my Tokina would be a bit intimidating for people having me get so close to their face?

If I had to take 1 it would probably be the Sigma, I dont think you would need to go wider than 17mm in a club, especially if its not packed
I did ask the photographer in Yates' in Reading. He was shooting with a 28mm prime on a Canon body (didn't get to see which one,) and had pretty good results.
Cheers for the replies, I think I'm going to just take both and make sure I keep my other lens locked away.

Looks like it will depend on how busy it is.

Cheers :)
I used to use my 17-85 for all my club work (on a 40d) but have recently upgraded to a 16-35 2.8 and even in a really busy club have never felt I needed to go wider
My choice would be based on three main factors.

1. Type of venue
2. Space available
3. Smoke machines :bonk:

Is it a busy lively club, or a classy bar? For a classy bar, with nicely dressed girls sipping on cocktails I would want to be producing flattering images, so a longer focal length would be my choice.
If it is a club with a bit more attitude, something wider with a bit more distortion might be your thing. Depends on your style.

The above may be overwritten by the space available. If the venue is very busy, you might not be able to get far enough back to use a longer focal length and get those flattering shots.

Finally, smoke machines. Bloody horrible things that fill the air with particles that hang around for ages and are great at reflecting your flash back at you. If there is likely to be a lot of smoke, I would opt to go wide, get in closer and reduce the amount of smoke between you and your subject.

So the Tokina would be the best all round, most useful lens. But if conditions permit, your Sigma might be nice to have with you.

If you want some more help, my guide to nightclub photography might be of use to you.
Just thought I'd add some pictures to this thread :)
All of these were taken with my 16-35 on a 40D






Just for a laugh i also took my 70-200 2.8 along, this is from the back of the club

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how do you find the sigma? cause i have been tempted to pick this up for "gig" shots as my current lens tends to struggle in low light.

I have a Canon 28-135mm f3.5-5.6 on a 60D.
^^^ On the aps-c bodies I personally found the siggy 10-20 a cracking lens.

Heck I'd still use one to this day if I was on the aps-c bodies.

Great value for money IMO, and much better than the 28-135 which I also had at the time.

However it's not something I'd use for 'gigs' involving bands, for that 24-70 70-200 is often needed due to the stages.
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both of those lens specs bring up the big money L lenses, I'm actually borrowing a 24-70 f2.8 this w/e off my old man for something seperate.

I think i'll look for a 3rd party lens & see how i can get on. I do like the 24-70mm But at £1k its not something i can afford right now, though later on (once i've got better & got some money saved) i can always pick up the 24-70.
Sigma do both a 24-70 and 70-200.

As I said it depends on what you are shooting, there is alot of difference between shooting a band on stage and people and good access to a dj booth.
at the moment its local pubs/clubs/small venues. Now the Sigma 24-70mm seems to be a fairly reasonable price. So something to aim towards. May even be able to pick one up fairly cheap at Focus On Imaging next year.... depending on funds before then as thats still 8/9months away.
Done about 4 nights of nightclub work now, used my Sigma 17-50 the first night, then used my Tokina 11-16 the 2nd night and have used that ever since. So useful being able to go to the wide end of this lens for group shots/if its busy!
You will really struggle on the group shots with a 24-70 on a crop body if its a busy place. Heres a selection of shots i've done on club nights all with a 17-55 lens. All pretty much at the wide end! Sometimes i wish i had another couple of mm wider range.


Nice shots. When you used your flashgun, did you point it at the subjects or was the flashgun at an angle at all?
I use my 17-55 f/2.8 for club work and often wish for a wider angle. I've done group shots before where it was so packed I was about a foot away from the foremost person in the group, I had to hold my camera above my head and as far back as possible and even then only just about got everybody in. It massively depends on the kind of clubs you're in. In one of the clubs I work I can easily get away with the 17-55 on a Saturday, in another on a Wednesday I would like nothing other than a UWA.