Wire wool... No need for Macro!

I may of missed something along the way in this thread but how does wire wool burn?? are you dousing it with something

seriously impresive shots

Burns very well, we used to use it as a firestarter/tinder when instructing for D of E and Queen Scout award. Small pack of WW and flint, worked every time.
A friend of mine does this in an old dis-used railway tunnel, looks amazing!
Excellent. Dangerous, probably fun, but excellent
You make a basket out of chicken wire, stick a handful or two of wire wool in (the fine stuff works best), then attach a chain using a clip of your chosing... no need to cover the entrance over as centrifugal force does its bit.

Light the wire wool with either a 9v battery or a lighter, then spin like buggery!!

Make sure you wear a hat as you get covered in melting wire wool..

These were done in an underpass to get the framed effect.

Make sure you have a big bottle of water and a fire extinguisher to hand :)

Make sure you wear a hat, pref a baseball cap. i did about 5 loads tonight and haven't been burnt at all. I did however spend years spinning poi, so know my plane angles and therefore manage to miss spraying myself in the face, all i have to worry about is the debris coming from above, and that's where the hat comes in... I've done it hundreds of times and have only been burnt once.
Thanks for the instructions, must have a go....
i used something even simpler... A wire whisk! perfect for the job!!

Just needs a bit of extra reinforcing at the end where the wire attaches, but thats it!