weekly WMD's 52 for 2013 - Completed - at last! (51 & 52 Added!)

Really cleverly done, I like that. Perhaps a little too much texture in the carpet though?
Hi Matt

love the high key effect , great detail in the trainers & laces ...very cleverly done :clap: ...no crit as not something I'd be able to do even 1/10th as well
Like it. Like the high key feel. Composition is good for me and the detail, especially the laces, is spot on.

Crit, hmm, think I'd like to see a tad more detail in the jeans/socks.


Thanks! Glad you like it!
Yeah - I can only put that down to a wardrobe malfunction. Very dark blue jeans and black socks - couldn't really do much with it to draw out more detail really! Thanks for the feedback!

excellent I take it there is a bit of photoshop going on here I dont have it so cant comment on the technicalities but as an image it works really well (y)

Thank you! Yeah there is a fair bit of PS work, but not loads. Cloning and layer masks and obviously the black & white conversion - but that's about it!

That's a super effort - I'd just like to see more seperation between the socks and the jeans in terms of 'colour' or tone.

Thank you, glad you like! :) As above really - I will put more thought into what I wear next time! :LOL:

Nice idea and great execution.

I would agree with previous posters in that I like the high key lighting, but would like to see a little more detail in the jeans (unless, of course, they are really, really dark jeans!)

As above - they are very dark jeans and black socks! I realised when I sat down to PS the lot together that I probably should have considered the colour of my socks more. That said - pretty sure I only own black socks! :LOL:

Very clever. Works well in b&w I think

Loving your shots so far, gravity is spot on.

Good shot with the trainers, well focussed and spot on! On to week 4, keep it going, see you next week!

Nice shot, very good idea.

Thanks guys! :)

Excellent shot! Love it!

Care to share how on earth you create an image like that?

Thank you! Glad you like it!
I knocked this together to explain - it's a little brief, but should give you an idea!

A 'how to' for week 3 by whatmattdoes, on Flickr

Finished off with a tidier crop & the Black & white treatment!

Really cleverly done, I like that. Perhaps a little too much texture in the carpet though?

Thank you! Yeah I admit it wasn't ideal - glad you like it though!

Thanks for all the feedback guys, appreciate it! Just need to get caught up on everyone else's threads now! :)
Hi Matt

love the high key effect , great detail in the trainers & laces ...very cleverly done :clap: ...no crit as not something I'd be able to do even 1/10th as well

Thanks Lynne! Don't be too hard on yourself though, it's all trial and error this stuff, just give it a go! (y)
great shot. love how its all natural looking. at first i thought the feet were missing but on close inspection saw them. probably agree with philthejuggler about separating socks and jeans colour, but would love to do a shot like that myself!
Thanks very much for the how to :)

You're welcome :)

great shot. love how its all natural looking. at first i thought the feet were missing but on close inspection saw them. probably agree with philthejuggler about separating socks and jeans colour, but would love to do a shot like that myself!

Thank you! I agree re the socks / jeans - next time I'll give more thought to my wardrobe choices! (y)
what a great take on the them.. love the laces..

(a bit of thin wire is good threaded through laces to bend them too) ;)
Arghh, still running a bit behind! Here is last week's shot:

4/52 - Wild by whatmattdoes, on Flickr

It's not perfect, but I did like how the setting sun illuminated the feathers. The low light (caused by me getting lost and arriving later than intended!) proved a bit tricky in getting sharp shots with the 300mm f4.
Anyway, on to week 5 - and hopefully not as late this week! :)
Gravity: It was interesting seeing how you put the shot together, holding the laces out with wires was very creative

Wild: Love the colour coming though the wings, wonder if a little PP could give the rest of the picture a golden tone as well as the rest of the bird looks a little dull compared to its wings. Well done on catching it in that position
Loved your explanation on the gravity shot, very creative.. :)
That's a really good guide for the gravity shot, makes it look almost easy.

Wild - good detail on the wings there, it's a great action shot.
i do like the light on the wings but as you said the light hasn't helped with the rest of the bird
Gravity: It was interesting seeing how you put the shot together, holding the laces out with wires was very creative

Wild: Love the colour coming though the wings, wonder if a little PP could give the rest of the picture a golden tone as well as the rest of the bird looks a little dull compared to its wings. Well done on catching it in that position

Thank you! Yeah, I might have a play around with it, but I don't know - last week's shot aside, I'm trying not to overwork the PP stuff! It's something I might try though, thanks for the idea!

Loved your explanation on the gravity shot, very creative.. :)

Thank you! :)

That's a really good guide for the gravity shot, makes it look almost easy.

Wild - good detail on the wings there, it's a great action shot.

It is pretty straight forward once you know how! ;)

i do like the light on the wings but as you said the light hasn't helped with the rest of the bird

Yeah bit of shame, I was lucky time wise to catch the bird - just not so much with where I was stood shooting into the sun. Thanks for the feedback! :)
Love the light in the feathers for wild! Nice pic all round, other than lack of light on the goose'front parts, as said...
Love the gravity shot! It's very creative - how on earth did you come up with that idea?

Wild shot is bang on theme and nicely done given the light situation. Well done for avoiding a silhouette shot.
Love the gravity shot! It's very creative - how on earth did you come up with that idea?
Wild shot is bang on theme and nicely done given the light situation. Well done for avoiding a silhouette shot.

Thank you! I don't know really, I kind of pieced together in my head based on loads of levitation type shots I'd seen before. So yeah, glad you like it!

Hi Matt
cheers for the How To Guide...may have to try it out one day :)

Wild...love the lighting on the feathers , really lifts the image(y)

You should! It's pretty easy really, and there's better tutorials out there than mine, but thank you!
I wasn't too happy with last week's shot, so I had a go at editing it a little to bring back some of the warmth I'd lost. Still not 100%, but I think I'll bump this one in as the shot for week 4!

4/52 - Wild (Version 2) by whatmattdoes, on Flickr

What do you think?! Too much?
Anyway, on to week 5...
I got lucky this week!
I wanted to do this kind of a take on the 'space' theme - more a negative space idea, rather than the literal moon, stars etc.
I was washing the dishes this morning and looked out the window to see this flock of gulls all perched on a roof in the distance. So it was a case of grabbing my camera (& my longest lens - Nikon 300mm) and firing away!

I took quite a few shots before they flew away. But I'm a little stumped as to which of these should be my shot for the week:

5/52 - Space by whatmattdoes, on Flickr
I liked this shot as it was in keeping with the negative space idea, but the way the gulls were equally spaced, adding more strength to the theme I think!

Alternative by whatmattdoes, on Flickr
This shot I've included as to me it looked as if the gull on the right was invading the 'space' of the one on the left!

Any feedback / help me choose would be great!
I'll be sure to catch up on other people's posts too! :)
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Season......A little more dof for me or the focus point a bit closer, the line of snow leads your eyes through the shot quite well.

Gravity....Nice idea and great you have shown how you've done it.

Wild........Great timing and the light on the feathers looks good. I would probably have preferred the setting sun behind me, to get all the bird in that lovely golden light. I like the second one a little better as it shows the warm light more.

Space.......I like the first shot, I would have probably removed one of the off centre birds to show a space in the line.

I like the first one, and I like that they are evenly spaced! The totally featureless sky is a bit of a disadvantage in both, although obviously you didn't have much choice on the matter!
Hi, #1 for me, in buckets. I'm a sucker for negative space and this really works for me. I feel clouds would spoil it. You have an odd number which works as well.

Nice subtle vignette and I like how they are almost all equally spaced out.

Good show.

Season......A little more dof for me or the focus point a bit closer, the line of snow leads your eyes through the shot quite well.

Gravity....Nice idea and great you have shown how you've done it.

Wild........Great timing and the light on the feathers looks good. I would probably have preferred the setting sun behind me, to get all the bird in that lovely golden light. I like the second one a little better as it shows the warm light more.

Space.......I like the first shot, I would have probably removed one of the off centre birds to show a space in the line.


Thank you for the feedback, glad you like them so far! ;)

I like the first one, and I like that they are evenly spaced! The totally featureless sky is a bit of a disadvantage in both, although obviously you didn't have much choice on the matter!

Yeah I got lucky I think! Decided to run with the first one as my shot for the week, so thank you! I understand where you're coming from about the sky, but I think it helps if anything! I think if there was more happening it would be a distraction from the birds. I guess it's one of those personal preference things, but I appreciate the feedback thank you! :)

Hi, #1 for me, in buckets. I'm a sucker for negative space and this really works for me. I feel clouds would spoil it. You have an odd number which works as well.

Nice subtle vignette and I like how they are almost all equally spaced out.

Good show.


Haha, yes me too! Very much a sucker for negative space styled shots. I knew this would be my approach when the theme was announced last week! Thanks for the feedback and am glad you like it! (y)
Space #1 for me too love how they are all space and I like the blank sky it makes you focus on the gulls and there spacing,

Great work
Another vote for #1 here too Matt, as Andy said, wonderful use of negative space and the sky I feel is perfect for this one as anything other than flat grey would distract from the birds.
Nothing more to add, great work (y) iain
I'm also loving the first one - simply looking at it as a shot, yes something in the sky, and a bit more roof would possibly work better.

BUT, on the theme of space, I think you've got it spot-on Matt. And I wonder if cloning out a bird to leave a "space", might have been over-egging the pudding a bit.

Is there a bit of darkening in the top corners? If you've added a slight vignette - again I don't think it needs it.
Space #1 for me too love how they are all space and I like the blank sky it makes you focus on the gulls and there spacing,
Great work

Another vote for #1 here too Matt, as Andy said, wonderful use of negative space and the sky I feel is perfect for this one as anything other than flat grey would distract from the birds.
Nothing more to add, great work (y) iain

Thank you guys! Yeah based on the feedback, I've decided to run with shot 1. Glad you like it!

I'm also loving the first one - simply looking at it as a shot, yes something in the sky, and a bit more roof would possibly work better.

BUT, on the theme of space, I think you've got it spot-on Matt. And I wonder if cloning out a bird to leave a "space", might have been over-egging the pudding a bit.

Is there a bit of darkening in the top corners? If you've added a slight vignette - again I don't think it needs it.

Thanks Graham, I admit as a standalone shot, it could be tweaked / improved - but as it's shot to suit the theme, I'm quite happy with how it turned it out. I did add the mild vignette just to lift the edges a little. Thank you for the feedback, much appreciated! :)
Not very good at critique, but I really like what you've chosen for the space theme, especially the first version. The bleak colours, and leaving 2/3 of the image as sky makes it look barren, and does 'space' really well for me.
I really like both of your space shots, love the b&w. Not sure which I'd put over the other to be honest.
Not very good at critique, but I really like what you've chosen for the space theme, especially the first version. The bleak colours, and leaving 2/3 of the image as sky makes it look barren, and does 'space' really well for me.

I really like both of your space shots, love the b&w. Not sure which I'd put over the other to be honest.

Thanks guys, thanks for the feedback! (y) Here's week 6...
Week 6

6/52 - Work by whatmattdoes, on Flickr

I've had quite a few late finishes with work this past week - so I thought this shot was quite apt if a little subtle on theme! It's my work machine Macbook Pro casting a pretty cool cast over the white walls in my office.
Am actually in before the saturday deadline this week! Go me! Looking forward to tomorrows theme! :)
Really like that. Very minimalist, with simple flat tones. I'm not sure how you got them all to line up nicey like that, either! Agree completely with the comments about the sky - being so flat really works well, especially with the theme.

Edit: Sneaked "work" in there while I was typing. Again, a simple composition that works well, really nice colour gradients make for an almost abstract image, I like it.
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Interesting photograph. I like the lighting on this one and the Mac sits nicely on the table. Ah, read he narrative, so the light on the wall is from the screen. By interesting.
