You do what for a living?

suggest pitch your line started with 'Catherine ( replaced with daughter's name) is too fast, I need a proper portrait lenses' Work you words towards 135f2 or 80f1.2 :D

Sounds like a plan. I shall also ply her mum with wine first....far more ideas seem reasonable to her in that state
Been a tog 24 years and the last 3 run own tog business... the business pays for the cars and vans and all the kit i need. the more expensive it is the less i give to the Tax and VATman.


PS. good to see Jason is still alive and has a safe job at last. job, but unsafe D.I.Y. It seems the god of accidents was missing me so I had a drill bit break on me the other day. Stopped going into my hand when it hit bone. At least it wasn't my mouse hand.:bonk:
I'm a security guard. Really. Job-title's 'Concierge' or as one of my colleagues put it: Posh bouncer.
I don't afford expensive gear, cos I don't buy it :) I tend not to spend on other things that I see as non-essential such as holidays or this year's must-have anything. I don't have a social life anyway, so that's another saving :)
I value having time as much as money and you can't usually have lots of both so I always try to find a balance. And try to work at something I love doing and that others benefit from in some way and those sort of jobs don't bring in big money either.

My other hobby was dancing and over the years I've spent a lot on classes, private lessons, weekenders and shoes (hence forum name). So I've cut back on the dancing a bit and not bought any dance shoes in the past year. Believe me - that's taken some restraint on my part!!
lol I usually dont have lots of either :LOL:
something like a used 20/30/or 40D would make a lot of sense - or a 400 or 450D

I recently bought a 2.5 year old 450D (with reportedly low use) with a battery grip and 4 batteries from mpb for £330 - that was to replace my 300D as my second body

Wasn't planning on buying new... Well i did look at a Nikon d3100 but it didn't fit my hands. Was looking for a used 500d, but have been advised that a 40d might be better for my usage. But thats another thread. Will have to have a look in classified when i'm eligible. Er why is my post count not going up? :shrug:
Technically I am a student still, however, I am currently undertaking a 12 month internship as a financial analyst with GE.

Back to uni for me next year, and then hopefully GE's graduate programe.
Desk jockey for a vehicle management company since '95. All equipment is second hand but dream of owning something new but what the heck, still getting fair results so will continue to learn how to use what I've got first.

I'm a QA manager in the food industry, pretty well paid these days, OH is in to shooting and Bass playing, so thought it was time i got an expensive hobby, although my latest kit has all been second hand
Wasn't planning on buying new... Well i did look at a Nikon d3100 but it didn't fit my hands. Was looking for a used 500d, but have been advised that a 40d might be better for my usage. But thats another thread. Will have to have a look in classified when i'm eligible. Er why is my post count not going up? :shrug:

Posts in OOF and a couple of other areas don't count to the post total, as a few now departed ex members were using this area to spout crap and get their post count to waht was then 100 and get access to the classifieds.

The mods noticed it and changed it.
Semi retired, pension pays for living, wages from anti boredom job(white van man) pays for the Honda's optimax and lifes other luxuries' SWMBO works for the council on a casual basis to pay for holidays.
I remember doing 80+hours a week in the pit, now 37 is a struggle.:wave:
Hmmm.. :naughty: I wonder if...

I'm a IT engineer on-board a private yacht for...

I'm out of work and have been since I was sixteen when I left school, a long time ago, or at least it feels like that :thinking: ..... I just love the wonderful benefits system we all enjoy. Anyway off to the yacht tomorrow for a bit of rest and relaxation :D

:clap: :nuts:
i work for canon uk as an rsr ( basically a sales rep) it pays pretty well and i get to play with cameras all day long.
I drive buses for a living, it don't make me rich but I can get by on a flat week.

Bet you cannot get by with a flat tyre though :D
This week I shall mostly be a Wedding Photographer (y)
I started out as an electrician before moving into third party computer maintenance and then on to a group of manufacturing companies (yes, we still make stuff in the UK.) After years of being a workaholic I retired a year ago (almost to the day) at the grand old age of 49 with no intention of ever working again although I may do some charity work at some point.

Most of my time is spent enjoying life although I also increasingly look after my elderly mam.
I work for canon in the R+D department, we are currently working on some rather natty L series beer goggles they still make a 10pinter attractive as well as giving superb colour rendition a lovely Boche across the entire field of view, the USM means they quickly snap out of focus whenever something comes nearly into focus.....
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When I was small (yeah right :thinking:) I took the lawnmower apart but could not put it back together again. I got a sound thrashing for my troubles. Lesson? Make sure you can rebuild it. (y) I have always had an enthusiasm for science and maths but only if I had a practical application for what I was being taught.

I went to one of the best schools in Plymouth, but for one reason or another did not get to University. I still kick myself for that.

To get some credibility I joined the RAF as a simulator technician. I did a few years then went to join Singer Link Miles, one of the flight sim companies. Good days. I worked myself up from commissioning engineer to software engineer over twenty years in simulation.

I now work for a magnetic bearings company doing testing, re-design and updates, technical documents and training of students and apprentices.
I can turn my hand to most forms of engineering from hydraulics through software and mathematical modelling to high vacuum.
I am a carpenter, and i have not appeared on Rogue Traders. Although i have done a lot of work for Matt Allwrights parents.
I'm an accountant in my day job, and I also volunteer as a trustee for a national charity (although that doesn't help me earn a living!)
Just starting to get some enquiries about paid photography work, which I'm hoping will help me fund the hobby.

I am going to let you into a well kept secret.If you want to earn, lots of money. To spend on Kit, Get onto the admin or Mod teams.

Ooops!!! Almost forgot about the HUGE salary that I get for that :bonk:
I get asked many times what I do for a living... usually by my boss...!
I work in McDonalds (I'm lovin' it) and have one baby :D bought new and second hand stuff, I have all the equipment I want a part from 300mm 2.8 VR, it pays my bills and is a job at the end of the day!
I can turn my hand to most forms of engineering from hydraulics through software and mathematical modelling to high vacuum.

You should use your skill to invent and redesign light stands/light modifier all that sort of things.
So what do you lot do for a living to pay for all this expensive equipment?
I’m an International Military Arms Dealer. Not quite as exciting and as well paid as it sounds. Basically I negotiate contracts with the UK and Saudi governments for the procurement and amendment of their fleet of military aircraft. At the moment I work on the Typhoon aircraft but have previously worked on Harrier, Tornado, Nimrod and Hawk.

So how does that help me pay for my expensive kit? I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t waste money on things I don’t need, I save up, I shop around for the best price and buy second hand to get the best deal.

3 years ago I had a Nikon D70 with a single Sigma lens. My total kit bag is now insured for £7,500 and I’m still not happy that I have everything I want. It’s a bloody expensive hobby but it’s far more fun when you have the right kit to do the job properly. (y)