Recent content by Compuwight

  1. Compuwight

    Sedge Warbler singing its little heart out ....

    I listened for a long while before it showed for a couple of quick shots....
  2. Compuwight

    What to put the new camera and lens in

    I find the internals can be configured to suit bare lenses, but I do you soft pouches for converters. I have on occasion fitted lens cases to the outside straps also ....
  3. Compuwight

    What to put the new camera and lens in

    I use the Lowepro Tahoe BP150 backpack approx. £65, plenty of room for camera(s) and lenses, plus flash and has side pouches for sandwiches and flask. I use additional straps for lightweight tripod/monopod. Large enough for D500+500pf or Sigma 150-600c and rugged enough. Fits nicely on my back...
  4. Compuwight

    121 Basic Photography Lessons ?

    Perhaps I did not make myself clear, charges would be to cover the costs of hiring a premises, arranging travel etc not to make a profit for my time, that is free ! If when you cut your neighbours lawn it cost you £20 for fuel then charging £20 is not a business ? When I take friends to a...
  5. Compuwight

    121 Basic Photography Lessons ?

    After a bit more thinking, I am not planning on this as a new business (that risks my enjoyment of photography) just a way of helping others to enjoy photography as much as I do ! So simply looking to cover my costs, so £20 per hour or £50 per session if 121 and less for groups, seems sensible...
  6. Compuwight

    121 Basic Photography Lessons ?

    I should start this with a disclaimer ! I do not consider myself to be a particularly good photographer - that's for other to judge perhaps However, I am constantly being asked when out an about and at various club meetings about 121 basic courses, I have hunted locally for someone to help...
  7. Compuwight

    Wood Sandpiper

    A new one for me early this morning at our local RSPB reserve Tringa glareola - Wood Sandpiper Nikon D500 + 500PF + 1.4TC HH 1/1250 f8
  8. Compuwight

    Critique Flowers

    Thanks, I was trying very hard not to 'blow' the whites so my well have under-exposed. Composition could have been better ! Thanks again for taking your time to comment !
  9. Compuwight

    Critique Flowers

    Thanks, it was camera club meet so not allowed to pose subjects. Did my best to adjust my positioning with the available light using a 105mm prime 'macro' but the last 2 were higher than me, hence the slight angle. thanks again for taking your time to comment !
  10. Compuwight

    Critique Flowers

    Went out yesterday with a 105mm macro lens to photograph Flowers ! Surprising difficult to get a good focus and not 'blow' the colours to much in bright sunlight ( a welcome change)
  11. Compuwight

    Common Wall Lizards

    Visit to local Botanical Gardens today....
  12. Compuwight

    Great Spotted Woodpecker

    Quite chuffed with this image, went out today in the drizzle, it was overcast and foggy - not great for photography and then out of nowhere I spotted this beauty ... Nikon D500 + 500PF + 1.4TC HH 1/800 f8
  13. Compuwight

    Seagate vs WD external HDD?

    Have a read,Western%20Digital%20Internal%20Hard%20Drive.
  14. Compuwight

    Nikon Adapter Help?

    MA is a Minolta Mount if memory serves ....
  15. Compuwight

    Nikon Adapter Help?

    Adaptor for attaching Nikon lenses to a Sony NEX Camera ?