Recent content by Garyman

  1. G

    Office chair?

    I've actually got a gaming chair as my office chair (vertagear sl2000) I suffer from bad (lower) back and found gaming chair to suit me best.
  2. G

    Felicity Jayne, Colour or Mono

    Colour for me. When I initially saw the mono, I thought yeah mono. Then when I saw the colour, it was so much nicer in that the eyes and hair really came to life and the freckles make the shot (for me)
  3. G

    B+W from lochan na h-achlaise

    I actually prefer this picture "flipped" with the tree on the left but either way, it's an amazing composition that I could only dream of doing. Must get the camera back out !
  4. G

    Bargain Panasonic GX80 - £247

    Tempted to upgrade my gx1 (thinking)
  5. G

    Classifieds - very quiet?

    Wohoo again :) Thanks Mr Mod
  6. G

    Classifieds - very quiet?

    And locked out again :(
  7. G

    Classifieds - very quiet?

    Wohoo! When did the classified get unlocked? Lol [emoji16]
  8. G

    Classifieds - very quiet?

    As mentioned early, my access to the classified has been revoked as I haven't posted enough on the main section. Whilst I totally understand the reason for restricting users to the classified, this obviously will have knock on effect with the classified being quieter imo rightly or wrongly...
  9. G

    Classifieds - very quiet?

    I must admit that I was one of those members that just posted in the classified. I'm more of a lurker and just read the posts in other parts of the forum and take onboard the advice that members post up etc and don't feel a need to post in the other sections. My privileges to the classifieds...
  10. G

    Free Photography Kindle Books

    Nicked from hukd Photography for beginners and Lightroom
  11. G

    Panasonic GX7 with 14-42 lens, Amazon Price deal £299

    Now available at Jessop for £299 AFTER £50 cashback from Panny still not as good as this original Amazon...
  12. G

    Free Photography Kindle Books

    Appreciated as always
  13. G

    One Year Free Membership @ The Photographer's Academy

    Managed to get this just in time :)
  14. G

    Free Photography Kindle Books

    Thanks as always FatherTimes!