Recent content by JasonBrown2013

  1. JasonBrown2013

    Nikon D500 - poor battery life, even with Li-Ion20 batteries!

    Bit of a thread bump, apologies, but if anybody with a D500 is searching on Google about its battery performance and stumble across this thread, take a look at this interesting article posted on Nikon Rumours today: It seems that...
  2. JasonBrown2013

    Nikon WR-10 remote kit on D500 - WR-T10 remote not doing anything?

    Update! Got it back today and it's working fine. It seems the issue was that I was using the wrong batteries. I was using CR2025 batteries and Nikon recommend using CR2032 batteries which are thicker and make better contact. The original battery I was using was whatever it came with and I didn't...
  3. JasonBrown2013

    Nikon WR-10 remote kit on D500 - WR-T10 remote not doing anything?

    Sent my kit back for RMA today. Bit disappointing that after one use the £150 kit is broken but let's see what Nikon does with it. All I ever seem to do is send stuff back to them. :/
  4. JasonBrown2013

    Nikon WR-10 remote kit on D500 - WR-T10 remote not doing anything?

    Bought the kit in August to remotely fire my D500 - seemed to work absolutely fine when I used it the first time and I haven't used it since, but now I need to use it and the WR-T10 remote is often showing no signs of life. No lights, not firing the camera. I've changed the battery in it a few...
  5. JasonBrown2013

    Nikon D500 - poor battery life, even with Li-Ion20 batteries!

    Battery performance still woeful... but only when used with the grip. Without the grip the camera seems to act as it should. So guess what! Tomorrow the grip is going in for RMA! :cool: Edit: scratch that, first going to do yet more testing with every battery and grip combination I can think...
  6. JasonBrown2013

    Nikon D500 - poor battery life, even with Li-Ion20 batteries!

    I've heard some RMA services say this and actually the problem has been fixed - look in that other forum thread I posted on the first page.
  7. JasonBrown2013

    Nikon D500 - poor battery life, even with Li-Ion20 batteries!

    No battery leak on mine it seems - camera is reading 100% still after about 10 hours of being switched off. I'm not sure if the battery was leaking originally or not, but I guess this is a good sign. Looking forward to taking the camera out on Friday and giving it a good test to see what kind of...
  8. JasonBrown2013

    Nikon D500 - poor battery life, even with Li-Ion20 batteries!

    Just charged up both batteries and camera is reading 100% for both batteries - let's see if there's any been leakage when I check in the morning!
  9. JasonBrown2013

    Nikon D500 - poor battery life, even with Li-Ion20 batteries!

    That could be why they use them then. Glad to hear yours is fixed - waiting for my batteries to fully charge and then I'll give mine a whirl! :D If it's still poor I'll probably request a replacement body.
  10. JasonBrown2013

    Nikon D500 - poor battery life, even with Li-Ion20 batteries!

    Got mine back today after exactly one month (September 11th - October 11th). Turns out Wex didn't send it off to Nikon, instead they sent it to a third-party Nikon approved RMA service called 'Fixation' down in London. Fixation said they didn't find any issues, but we all know a lot of RMA...
  11. JasonBrown2013

    Nikon D500 - poor battery life, even with Li-Ion20 batteries!

    You should get in touch with Nikon - they themselves state repairs will be between 2-4 weeks.
  12. JasonBrown2013

    Nikon D500 - poor battery life, even with Li-Ion20 batteries!

    Thanks, have emailed my rep at Wex asking if he's got these.
  13. JasonBrown2013

    Nikon D500 - poor battery life, even with Li-Ion20 batteries!

    How do you check the repair status on it? I didn't send mine into Nikon, Wex did that for me. I've not even used my D3200 since I sent my D500 off. I've been busy with other things, guess it was a good time to send it in for RMA!
  14. JasonBrown2013

    Nikon D500 - poor battery life, even with Li-Ion20 batteries!

    Hi! I was just going to post an update, but yes I was getting the same number of shots per charge as you which obviously shows really terrible battery life. Do you know roughly when your camera was manufactured? Mine was April 2017 (going by the date on the battery it shipped with), would be...
  15. JasonBrown2013

    Nikon D500 - poor battery life, even with Li-Ion20 batteries!

    And yours is OK? If you look in the battery info section how many shots are you able to get per charge? Li-Ion20 batteries I guess, too?