Recent content by Johnnyballs

  1. J

    Question about Sony battery grip (or battery grips in general)

    Hi I recently bought the meike battery grip for my Sony a580 from eBay for £35 and it is awesome may feel a little weird to start with as the view finder is a touch lower than your hand but you get used to that. Really worth the money, really good build quality too.
  2. J

    Sony a580 raw in cs3

    Hi peeps, is their a why round this or do I have to upgrade to cs5? Quite frustrating that Sony would have done this as I can still use lightroom but it's limited. Cheers
  3. J

    Tamron da09 lens hood

    Hi, does anyone know where I can get one of these for my 28-75mm. Cheers
  4. J

    Sony a580 in the studio???

    It sounds every bit pro camera without the full frame..
  5. J

    Sony a580 in the studio???

    I have the wireless trigger, are they different to normal a series??
  6. J

    Sony a580 in the studio???

    I have the a300 at the moment and that quite good in studio but I'm looking to upgrade.cheers
  7. J

    Sony a580 in the studio???

    Has anyone out there have the a580? I'm looking into buying it and I want to do some studio work, how's it working for you?? Cheers dudes and dudettes
  8. J

    Which version do you prefer?

    2 is my fav, in this situation the saturated look has more appeal.
  9. J

    Photographers contract maker!!!

    Hi all, I have downloaded the app for model and property releases but am not sure what to do with it! Is it a legal contract? Sample? Any advice please? Mucho thanko.
  10. J

    Bridge camera recomendations

    I'm about to buy my wife a bridge camera for £200 tops, can anyone recommend a good all rounder? There are a lot of fujifilm ones around but some iffy reviews. Help would be much appreciated .
  11. J

    Calling all Sony Alpha users! (Part 5)

    This lens is awesome for portraits !!
  12. J

    Upgrading kit

    And you rate the a700? It's quite old now tho isn't it? Do they sell new ?? I've also looked at canons 550d? I don't want to buy wrong so I won't rush it just don't know what to do for the best. Do you specialise in any category or is the a700 a good all rounder?
  13. J

    The Canon 7D appreciation thread!!!

    I will look into it 
  14. J

    The Canon 7D appreciation thread!!!

    Thanks canonbabie
  15. J

    The Canon 7D appreciation thread!!!

    Sorry 5D 