Recent content by Keff

  1. Keff

    What you listening to RIGHT now?

    New album from Deftones - Gore. Prayer is great. Praise Spotify!
  2. Keff

    COMPETITION: Incase anyone wanted a new camera & lens!
  3. Keff

    Wildlife photographer of the year at the Natural History Museum

    Did anyone else go? Got to say I loved the shadow fox, the photojournalism story about ivory and the poor cats being used in the circus was very moving.
  4. Keff

    NPD!! New pinhole day!

    It's pinhole photography day on the 24th april!
  5. Keff

    Beginner Best camera for beginner?

    My friends are telling me to go for a Canon, but I've not met anyone with a Nikon, so not sure if just getting biased reviews? Pros and cons of both?