Recent content by kris5695

  1. kris5695

    Bearded Dragon, Studio type shoot

    so... a friend of mine wants me to shoot his bearded dgagons. thats terrible :O great pictures though!
  2. kris5695

    What I Didn't Expect to see at Kew Gardens

    i love 4 + 6 but there all great, number 4 seems vey dramatic, love it!
  3. kris5695

    Buying lenses abroad...

    hmm, i don recomend walking into any electronis store with an asian or indian man standing outside (or inside) telling you he'l give you "good price,asda price" or if he cals you del boy. done this before, swiped my dads card twice, cos us double for a video camera. the cam didnt work and we had...
  4. kris5695

    Dragonfly caught in Flight. Lesser Emperor Dragonfly

    me 2! thought focusing was hard enough with moving birds!!!
  5. kris5695

    Only look if you can handle cute.

    Awwwww super cute. Great idea with the print!
  6. kris5695

    white telephoto?

    wow, so many replies so quickly:) you people are fast! thanks for everything. also i was wondering if theres a D40 V A200 thread anywhere lol. i **** which i like best hehe
  7. kris5695

    white telephoto?

    wow i only posted half an hour ago! thanks for the replies:) i supose it makes snese, is there a huge difference in the qualityof the image you can get? and some photos in teh birds forum are sooo clear and crisp. can i expect these kinds of results from say a son 70-300mm lens adn an alpha...
  8. kris5695

    white telephoto?

    hey there im fairly new to photography and im in the market for a first DSLR, iv been looking at the alpha 200 by sony and a 70-300mm lens to go with it. i noticed that there are white telephoto lenses that are also about 70-300 mm. there alot more expansice and are covered in dials and have...
  9. kris5695

    birds and gear?

    hey everyone:) this is my first post here, thought id say hello. hi:) i have a finepix s5800 and im gona move up to a DSLR soon. im looking at the alpha 200 currently. anyway ive been trying to take pictures of birds in flight around my home but i cant get decen results. so i was wondering...