Recent content by PJPhoto

  1. P

    Best Filters for Landscapes

    I have a whole set of Lee filters - Hard, Medium and Soft grads, a Little (6) and Big (10) stopper and the new polarizer and filter. While I fully understand that my camera (Canon 5d4) has pretty good dynamic range and I can easily bracket snd merge later, I like the process of using filters. I...
  2. P

    Fog over the Fancy

    Spectacular! Absolutely love that, what a stunning scene. The light and fog in the mid ground are definitely the highlight.
  3. P

    Jökulsárlón aurora

    Thank you all for the comments, most helpful. I've had a go at re-processing the image. Top one is the same as I posted original, second one is new. Changes made: - Mountains in the background are now more white. Actually less realistic as the aurora gave them a slight green tint, but I...
  4. P

    Jökulsárlón aurora

    Ok, massive cliche time! I took this one back in 2016 after a couple of weeks touring Iceland. On the very last day of shooting, I finally managed to get in the right place at the right time. I entered this shot into the International Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition in 2016...
  5. P

    Dartmoor Tors

    Haha, I'm pleased to have inspired you! I originally dismissed Silver Effects Pro but it actually does pretty good conversions, though it's easy to over-process. It also puts a heavy film grain on images by default, which you can reduce if you go down through all the sliders and find the right one!
  6. P

    Elgol outing

    Love Elgol. Only been there twice and never had amazing conditions, but there's so much to take. For me shot 4 stands out for the drama but I also like #7 a lot.
  7. P

    Common mistakes for Beginner landscape photographers

    One of the big lessons I learned about composition - either include it in the scene or don't at all. If something doesn't add to the scene or even distracts, then try and move it out of the frame or zoom in further. This isn't always possible in busier scenes (woodland for example) but it's...
  8. P

    Abandoned Hut, Lofoten

    Thanks for the kind comments everybody. I agree the B&W could do with more punch, I'll take a look at that (though I also prefer the colour). I should have given the hut a little more breathing room at the edges but it was a bit of a rush job, unfortunately, the weather over there changes in an...
  9. P

    Abandoned Hut, Lofoten

    Taken somewhere around Leknes.
  10. P

    Castle Under Repair

    Yeah looks as though it is part of the scene. I really like the b&w conversion and I also think the scaffolding looks good too, though worth a revisit whenever it comes down again.
  11. P

    As autumn turns to winter...

    Lovely, dripping with atmosphere.
  12. P


    Fantastic, like this a lot. B&w looks great.
  13. P

    Dartmoor Tors

    Thank you! I use Lightroom for initial tweaks and panoramic conversion for #2, and then SilverEffects Pro2 for the conversion. The software is part of the Nik collection, which was free a few years back but doesn't appear to be now. Interesting the different thoughts about shot 4 :)
  14. P

    Dartmoor Tors

    Yeah #4 was quite tricky, it's a stunning view but I'm not sure I got the best of the location despite the great light. I'll take another look at #2 as well, good point about the sky. Until you mentioned it I hadn't noticed how tight it was but now that's all I can see.