Recent content by Popty Ping

  1. P

    Nikon D5000 v D3100

    Thanks everyone - Kev, I'll try that link. Yeah, the D3100 is newer, so I was focusing on that. However, I'm sure this place had the d5000 cheaper than I'd seen one. Will do some thinking. To be honest, I would prob have got a Pentax k-r if it wasn't for the front focus issue anyway! Thanks...
  2. P

    Nikon D5000 v D3100

    Hi all Sorry - I'm after advice again! I was looking at getting a D3100, but I've just noticed the D5000 has dropped significantly in price at one of my local shops. I think it's available for £369, which puts it in the same bracket (or cheaper) than the D3100. I have to make a pretty quick...
  3. P

    agonising over whether to buy a Pentax k-r!

    Sorry - on my phone and sent that by mistake!!!! It should have said........."a fix being sent out" and then "thanks for reading........Si"
  4. P

    agonising over whether to buy a Pentax k-r!

    Hi all I guess this is rather a dull question and the obvious answer is "only you can decide". However, I thought I'd ask incase anyone can offer any insights. A couple of weeks ago I'd pretty much decided that my first dSLR purchase would be a Pentax k-r. It had excellent reviews and I liked...
  5. P

    First photography project - tips/ideas?

    Hi guys An apology - I was away from the internet for a week and then forgot I'd posted this! Thanks for the ideas - much appreciated. Still want to do this project, as I think there is a story to be told. Gonna try some b&w images I think. Been enjoying Stephen Shore's work recently - I...
  6. P

    First photography project - tips/ideas?

    Thanks folks! I thought about b&w but we haven't covered it in the course yet. I'll ask the tutor. I don't want to over-egg the moodiness thing, but b&w does seem like a good idea. I'll try some of the other options too. I can't post any up because I'm using an old film camera at the mo -...
  7. P

    First photography project - tips/ideas?

    Hi all FAO Admin/mods: sorry if this isn't the right place for this post. I did look in the Specialities forum. Feel free to move! I've been posting on here a bit recently, getting advice on cameras etc - all very helpful! I'm doing a photography evening couse and we have to do a project...
  8. P

    Old sigma lens/new Pentax dSLR

    Thanks Dave - I am being pretty methodical with all of this! Hope to get a look at both soon
  9. P

    My first dSLR-travel and battery issue

    Hi Rommus and everyone else I didn't go for months unfortunately-they're just a little 2/3 week break from work. I am being over cautious really, but I just remember being on trips and there being waiting lists to use the 1 or 2 sockets available. One other thing Ive been thinking about is -...
  10. P

    Old sigma lens/new Pentax dSLR

    Sorry - my last question should have been to Dave, not Paul!!! I'm using the iPhone app and I can't see previous posts when I type. I was in my local when I typed it and Paul is the barman! Sq - I am intending to handle both models. Sadly my local shop, which has an excellent reputation...
  11. P

    Old sigma lens/new Pentax dSLR

    Ah, thanks for clearing that up guys - this site is incredibly helpful for a novice like me! Those posts were quick replies - I appreciate the time you put in! Paul - can I ask one quick question. I am sorely tempted to go the Pentax route - why do you favour them? At the minute I'm favouring...
  12. P

    Old sigma lens/new Pentax dSLR

    Hi all I've mentioned this in other posts, but I'm pretty much brand new to photography - and pretty clueless. I've started a course and I'm loving it though! I'm considering buying a Pentax k-r camera. At the moment I'm getting a feel for photography using a film Olympus OM-10 camera. It has...
  13. P

    My first dSLR-travel and battery issue

    Hi folks Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. Andyred-I hear what you're saying, but I like to do bus trips where we camp at night. That can easily mean 2/3 weeks away from an electricity socket! I've done a couple of great 2 week trips in the US in recent years. They were fab, but...
  14. P

    First dSLR - Nikon 3100 or Pentax k-r

    Sorry, that should say "reafing reviews in magazines" in the previous post!
  15. P

    First dSLR - Nikon 3100 or Pentax k-r

    Hi folks Thanks for all the great info. It's fine reading but it's really great to get insights from "real photography afficiandos" I'll take on board all that you say. Mike P - thanks so much for that link. I've been scouring the Internet for weeks - can't believe I didn't see this! Very...