Recent content by The_Allstar

  1. T

    Petit Piton in St Lucia

    The man below is right. Infinity pool :) Thanks! Yeah it's pretty bright out there when the sun shines. Correct on the pool. Was a great holiday. I was only visiting the place for a few hours though. Would be fantastic to grab a sunset shot there.
  2. T

    Petit Piton in St Lucia

    Volcanic plug to be precise. :shrug: I found it hard to get the background darker, whilst keeping the foreground light.
  3. T


    Thanks. I agree with the DoF comment. Got a little excited with my new nifty fifty! Lol. Would've been nice to have the whole caterpillar in focus.
  4. T


    Snapped this little fella in St. Lucia
  5. T

    Petit Piton in St Lucia

    One from my winter holiday
  6. T

    The shameless bokeh thread

    Shameless bokeh ftmfw. Need a lower f-stop! :)
  7. T

    The SELECTIVE COLOUR (oh no!) thread

    What software are you guys using to selective colour?
  8. T

    Stockport after dusk

    Some great shots, really good use of the light. Penultimate one is very nice, shame the moon wasn't full.
  9. T

    My first attempt

    Shot 5 looks nice and sharp and I like the composition. As above some of the others are a bit blurry.
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  11. T

    Big Cats @ Chessington

    Second photo is great. I quite like the green cast in the first pic. Seems to suit the photo for whatever reason.
  12. T

    struggling today

    I really like that picture of the blue tit. Really different. No snow down here yet though :(
  13. T

    Amsterdam - let's have your thoughts please peeps!

    3 & 4 really do it for me. Good shots.
  14. T

    Night shots

    Third one is great
  15. T

    Pair of Mandarins

    Wow don't think I've even seen these before. Lovely shots.