Recent content by Zoomboxer

  1. Zoomboxer

    VX220 Sunset

    Brother in law has one. Drives like a go-kart on steroids! Just don't expect to carry much luggage in it! The patch under the front near side wheel grabs my attention - looks like an oil leak.
  2. Zoomboxer

    Stealing the flag? You're "Nicked" Mate!

    ET has traded his old bike in for something a bit more modern! Lovely shot.
  3. Zoomboxer

    Moral dilema 2

    Not our vet - when we took Miss Zoom's hamsters in for a check up there was a notice saying that all forms of wild-life were not accepted for treatment. RSPCA or local rescue centre it is next time
  4. Zoomboxer

    Moral dilema 2

    Came home from work on Friday to see a starling in the garden - it did not fly away when I approached it. A close inspection of it showed no apparent injuries. Thought it was just stunned and would fly away when it was ready. So sheltered it as best as I could from the sun and kept an eye on...
  5. Zoomboxer

    Phone upgrade

    I feel for you. Spent ages humming and hahhhing over what phone to upgrade when my contract ran out recently. Mrs Z has an iPhone 4 and I have an iPad and the logicval step was the iPhone 5 but was put off by the upfront cost and the monthly payments. The 4 was no upfront cost but I felt it...
  6. Zoomboxer

    Work Uniform...

    Are we the only ones who have picked up on the OP's bit about "new manager"? Seems to me said new manager is letting others know who is the boss and stamping his authority as early as possible - people like that are to be avoided. Has it been OK'd by higher management? How many shirts...
  7. Zoomboxer

    What's on your tab/pad? Games/apps?

    +1 for Candy Crush Saga - level 98 now and not paid a thing to get there. You do, however, need a plane/train/boat ticket at certain points to get to other levels - these can be paid for or by asking 3 facebook friends.
  8. Zoomboxer

    How to remove tree branch 20 ft up!?

    Your original post says that the said tree is close to your house so it begs the question how close is it to your neighbour's house? Are any branches overhanging his house? If so it might be the easiest option to have the whole thing cut down.
  9. Zoomboxer

    No Callers

    This is: Negative Suggestion - psychology loves this sort of thing. I get the message - I will try and get back to work (very slow day today :D)
  10. Zoomboxer

    No Callers

    Ah, but you will never know who it is until you answer the door. Which makes the sign a bit redundant - no?
  11. Zoomboxer

    No Callers

    Hmmmmm - sign says "No callers" etc yet you answer the door when they ring/knock would it be better just to ignore them?
  12. Zoomboxer

    Name for sunglasses website.

  13. Zoomboxer

    seatbelt alarms

    Mine too - only starts beeping if I go over 5mph without the belt on. Previous car - Renault Scenic - you could turn the beeping off if you pressed the red un-clip button on the seat belt lock quickly 5 (or was it 8?) times :D
  14. Zoomboxer

    Theiving barstewards

    As regarding leaving things by the front door. The people across the road got a new fridge/freezer recently. The old one was dumped on the pavement outside their front door. He apologised but said there was a £20.00 "removal fee" if he wanted the delivery people to take it away plus he could...
  15. Zoomboxer

    Theiving barstewards

    Logic says the post man did it. They must walk about 50 miles a day and now needs a new pair of boots :D Seriously, do you not have a back door where you could have left them?