
  1. S

    Who can print on canvas wider than 50 inches

    My first post here, I hope I can get some advice without breaking any forum rules. I am in search of a really good printing company (or experienced individual who can offer a printing and framing service) in the UK (and also in the US) with the ability to print on high quality canvas, with...
  2. Bennp2000

    Visualising printed, framed images digitally?

    Hi, I'd like to be able to mock-up what a series of finished framed prints might look like (more than one per frame), as an example something like this: Is there a good way to do this in CS5? I can obviously mock up the frame etc. by...
  3. G-Slev

    Splitting Panorama to Multiple Orientation Panels

    I have a panorama of Venice, which I was to split into multiple canvases to mount on the wall. I have managed to export the panorama to three landscape images to do a trial print on A4 and they look okay. I want to try and do the same thing but have the middle panel portrait orientation and...