double exposure

  1. Genetically Modified

    Genetically Modified

    Trying my hand at double exposure. Quite liked this one. Something more adventurous next
  2. schpleep

    Deliberate Double Exposure

    About a year ago I was given a Lomo Cosmic Symbol. I've been having great fun with deliberately double-exposing film. Here are some examples of outings where things have turned out well: 1. Austria, Winter 1.1 1.2 2. London, Contemporary Dance 2.1 2.2 3. London, The Classic Car Boot Sale 3.1...
  3. monkeyleader

    Order from Chaos ....

    More double exposure work from along the edges ... Fuji XT1 + 18-135mm Double Exposure (in camera) Formatt Hitech 4 stop ND filter
  4. U

    Double Exposure

    Double exposure is one of the types that I like a lot when I shoot film. Here are some examples: #1 Untitled by Ugur Ugurlu, on Flickr Kodak Portra 400 #2 Untitled by Ugur Ugurlu, on Flickr Kodak Colorplus 200 #3 Untitled by Ugur Ugurlu, on Flickr Ilford Pan 400 Self developed