
  1. Actinia


    A few years ago I visited my compost heap and noticed this fungal mycellium growing on the inside wall, just above the heap of decaying kitchen waste. I managed to photograph it relying on the fold-out viewing screen on my Sony A55. The whole thing was about 10cm across.
  2. Actinia

    Fungi: low down and not so dirty

    We recently have had a crop of Fairy Ring fungi (aka Scotch Bonnet), Marasmius oreades on our lawn. I like to get close up and at ground level but, at my age, I have difficulty getting up (never mind getting down), so I stand facing away from the fungus and take the pic from between my legs...
  3. Geoff Moore

    Woodland Macro Photography - Mushrooms & Toadstools

    The autumn months are drawing in along with the dark nights and short days so what better opportunity then to visit my local woodland for a spot of macro photography to photograph the mushrooms and toadstools that are popping out from the woodland floor. So why not join me on this little...