remote control

  1. W

    Victure HC500 Trail Cam - Can't connect to view remotely

    Hi Everyone. I've just bought the Victure HC500 trail cam. This is my second Trail cam and the pictures are pretty good. You are supposed to be able to connect by wifi and view the camera footage live but this just doesn't work. The procedure is painful, but I can connect via Bluetooth. I...
  2. B

    Simultaneous wireless remote shutter release and flash trigger

    ...looking for a system where one transmitter, in my hand and “away” from any equipment, with a single press, fires any and all combinations of shutters and flashes wearing appropriate receivers...(and, to be greedy, let’s me adjust unit parameters remotely)... ....with a single camera I think...
  3. L

    Remote for camera

    Hello Does anyone know a decent remote I can get for my camera? I have a Canon 77D I want one so I can start taking some arty type self portraits. Of course this can be done with timer etc but I want to be able to control the exposure meter bar whilst I am in front of the camera. Is there even...
  4. P

    Canon Wireless Trigger/Remote

    Hi guys, I was wondering if you could advise on a setup or a website i can view that will for my sports photography enable me to capture pictures from a second camera while i sit many feet away. Could you advise on a reliable remote/Trigger model for a Canon camera? and how do i control when my...
  5. doodledsnaps

    Camera with 1" sensor or smaller and remote live view shooting ... is it possible?

    Following on from my previous thread (really appreciate the advice there) I concluded my camera was probably a bit OTT for what I needed so I set off to find a better fit by looking for something...