£1 coin?

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I've noticed that there are a lot of new £1 coins in circulation at the moment, which got me thinking about the lifespan of a £1 coin. How many miles will one travel during its lifetime?.....How many hands will it pass through?.....How much tax (in all its guises) will it generate?....How many times will it get lost and found?.....How many times will it be given or donated?.....How many lives will it have saved?.....How many death's will it have been responsible for?.....It's amazing what you think about at 3.30 in the morning.
one of the (many) things I like about our Crete holiday is seeing where the coins are from. As you would expect, most of the small change is Greek but the 50c and € coins are from all over the EU. Not seen any Vatican City ones yet though!
I wonder how many diseases you could get with sucking on a few coins for a while.
About the same as you will by keeping them in a pocket or by using the public karzi door handle after you've washed your hands.
or how many £1 coins are real ,remember having a row with one old dear in the taxi once who tried to pay me with 5 lead pound coins (grey in colour) who insisted they were real because they had the queens head on them