1.4 converter on 70/300 is usm

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Would it be worth getting one for wildlife or do you lose too much light? Harvey
The canon 1.4x teleconvertor wont fit the 70-300 anyways so no point buying one. I don't think it even works with the L lens that covers the same focal lenght.
Little John is exactly right on both counts
Who says it has to be the official Canon one - the Kenko Pro-300 has worked with all the lenses I've tried it with... no glaring impact on image quality... sometimes losing that stop is a bit of a pain though.
The canon 1.4x teleconvertor wont fit the 70-300 anyways so no point buying one. I don't think it even works with the L lens that covers the same focal lenght.

Glad i didn`t just go out and get one then , thanks for the warning(y)
The lens will work with the Kenko DGX 300 Pro 1.4x TC, but AF is appalling, so consider if manual focus only. With the TC connected and the lens wide open at f/8 (remember you lose a stop of light), the image quality is not acceptable (to me). Stopped down to f/11, the image quality is acceptable, but you then have a very slow 420mm lens.