1 thread, 2 questions

Gary Kirk
Edit My Images
Sorry about two seperate questions, did not see the need for two threads :p

NIKON 3100. I have a chance to pick one of these up, really cheap, but am a sony user. Is this (d3100) a good all rounder and how does it pitch up against my a450. Is it true it has no facility for a wireless remote for activation.

Sony a450: I have recently taken a few shots on the beach when in Devon, two apparent problems 1/the picture seems to be very blown out in areas of bright sunshine (sigma 70 - 300) 2/ there seems to be some dust spots in the pictures. Any suggestions on what looks like over exposure and can someone please explain what the setting is when taking a picture of the sky to see if my sensor is dirty.

My apologies for going on, but I very little knowledge and need to rely on those who know better :clap:
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1.) No idea never used either.

2.)Bright sunshine will overexpose unless you use ND filtersto bring the sky to the same brightness as the foreground.

Stick the camera on f/22 and shoot a blue sky or white wall, you'll soon see.
NIKON 3100. I have a chance to pick one of these up, really cheap, but am a sony user. Is this (d3100) a good all rounder and how does it pitch up against my a450.

Does it come with a lens, and is it cheap enough you can easily recoup the cash you spend of it?

If so, why not get it anyway and do a direct comparison yourself?

Then either sell the Nikon to recoup your costs, or sell the Sony to pay for more glass for the Nikon. If your sig reflects what you have for the Sony, you do not have a huge bank of gear to try and replicate should you choose to switch.
Thank you both for your responses. They have been a great help. I had not realised that a filter would assist in balancing a shot in very bright sunshine, thought I either had a problem with the camera or lens, seems like the main problem is the person using it :wacky:.

I will stick on the 50mm prime, set it up at f22 and shoot the sky, I only hope there are not too many dust spots, oh dear:shake:

The d3100 comes with the kit lens and is brand new and I would hope to recoupe some of the cost with the sale of my present kit, but it has served me well and I am kinda attached to it.

Once again, thank you (y)