1 V1 or X10?


Nod (UK)
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After skimming the last few pages of the X10 thread, I find myself tempted by the idea - even went so far as to look in a couple of shops at the prices. While I was so engaged, as if they knew what I was up to, Nikon e-mailed me a special offer of £80 off their in house price of a 1 V1 c/w 10-30mm lens, making that a direct competitor at £319. I didn't read the Nikon mail until I was away from the shops, so haven't had a fondle yet. Anyone owned/used both and can help me decide whether to have a grope? After today's unfortunate incompetence displayed by Jessops (the company and only one of the High Street store staff), I now feel no guilt about using them as a showroom for web deals...
Hadn't been home long when I posted this thread so hadn't done any price searching. Only started considering the 1 V1 since seeing the e-mail.

Thanks for the heads up on the price - may have to visit WEX if it feels good!
Any opinions on the 1 V1 as a pocket camera? IIRC, there's an adaptor available for the 1 series bodies allowing AF-s/HSM lenses to be used, retaining automation. Anyone have experience of that?
Nod said:
Any opinions on the 1 V1 as a pocket camera? IIRC, there's an adaptor available for the 1 series bodies allowing AF-s/HSM lenses to be used, retaining automation. Anyone have experience of that?

Used a J1 over the summer and was pleasantly surprised. I think the addition of the viewfinder on the V1 will make it more useful. I'm currently thinking about V1 or RX100. No experience with adaptor sorry. There's a Nikon 1 thread, a few users in there with samples inc. FT1 adapted lenses.
To quote my first reported string of words, Ger, bug, ger, bug, ger, bug etc! I feel a town trip coming on, with the Devon Camera Centre being one of the stops! They have the 1V1 + 10-30 kit at £299 and the twin lens (10-30 + 30-100) kit at £449 + free Nikon bag. The bag comes with the single lens kit as well and I'm not sure how much it holds - body + both lenses or just body with one fitted and a spare card or 2. I suppose I'll find out (possibly tomorrow). The X-10 Fuji is £349.99 there (not sure how competitive that is - I'll research and see how close they can get to the best real shop price I can find [real shop = one with bricks'n'mortar as well as a website]).
:wave: Hi Nod

You know nothing will stop you getting down town into The Devon Camera Centre - you do have shares there - don't you :clap:

Looking at the Studio Shot comparison on DPreview it looks as if the Nikon takes better low light shots.

Also the Nikon is bulkier unless you have a way of taking shots without a lens attached :LOL:
No shares in them (AFAIK, they are a completely independent family owned business) but I do use them a lot! The staff are all photographers themselves (although one of them does use a HiFi [sorry, Sony]) and all know what they're talking about. They can usually get close to most UK bricks'n'mortar shops' web prices and TBH, I don't mind spending a few quid more to try to ensure we keep a good specialist shop in town.

I've got the D700 for low light shots and the pocket camera will be used mainly on holiday in Crete where light is rarely a problem. While I do like the idea of being able to mount my SLR lenses on a compact body, it won't be a dealbreaker and part of the current plan is to reduce the kit's bulk and a bagful of lenses won't help that!

I reckon it would be hard to split the cameras on IQ up to A4 or possibly even A3, although the X10's extra pixies should help at the larger print size. I suppose I could take a card and my netbook down and pixel peep the results but having seen plenty of fine (read excellent!) photographs from both, it really does just boil down to pocketability. How much bulk does a slip on case add to the Fuji? I guess I'll find out later anyway!

Whichever I get, it'll be far cheaper than the other item I was considering before head overruled heart - a D600!
Looked at both and got the X10 in the end.
Great little compact, quite usable at 1600.
For the Nikon J/V, things like a billion fps and taking pictures before you press the 'shutter' etc were just kind of gimmicky and I would never use it, or at least have zero interest in that sort of stuff.

I also like the video on the X10, but others dont seem to think it's that great (?):shrug: Looks brilliant to me.

The X10 has had a recent firmware upgrade option that you might want to look at (I havent downloaedd it yet)

I had no interests in buying 'into' another system of lenses, or at least exposing the risk of it! (G.A.S:shake:).

If I got the J/V 1 (or 2 now), and the 'normal' lens - guaranteed i would be hankering after the 40mm within a few weeks, or the longer lens.
The X10 solves that for me. I want to keep the compact separate from the slr system(y)

I have the D90 and no interest in spending a few hundred (?) quid for an adapter either to use my few lenses:wacky:.

Neither are 'pocketable' - case obviously adds a bit but it's tidy enough etc.

Get the X10(y) ....then go to ebay and buy a (cough) 'leather' case and spare battery for £12(y) To me, looks the same quality wise to the Fuji endorsed effort for a about 70 quid:thinking: Fake effort has X10 stamped on the top and is really nice for the price.
I am leaning quite heavily toward the X10, although for me, the only extra expense in terms of lenses for the 1V1 would be the F mount converter at around £190 (I'm told).

I don't "do" e-bay, so the cheapy case would cost me more away from there anyway and WEX have a special offer with the genuine case being 1/2 price if bought with the camera. Hopefully my local supplier of choice can get close to that deal. £60 for a lens hood is a bit steep though, although especially where it'll probably see most use, one will be required - the sun actually shines in Crete!
You maybe need to learn to "do" ebay. A hood and adaptor is a tenner and a case is 8 quid. Nothing to lose as a lot of small retailers just use eBay instead of hosting their own site due to increased market and less hassle due to out of the box sales tool.
hmm, I would disagree with 'not pocketable' to some extent - with a case on, the X10 needs bigger pockets, without, easily fits into fleece/cargopants/winter coat type pockets [no point mentioning suit jackets, not sure Nod ever wears one :p ]

the V1 - we actually saw a chap with one in camden on Sunday and it looks significantly bigger, the vf looked like it would make pocketing a tad awkward even uncased.
I've been looking at many of the same things, but have you considered the Lumix LX7, I know its only a stats compare but it comes out favorably and one of the few disadvantages is wrong (it does have slowmo video) - here, another here, also look to Phil Young's threads - he had a X10 and moved to a LX7 so has a pretty good knowledge of at least those two.
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Had the V1 for a while,really love the camera it has become my take everywhere cameras.

Lens hoods i brought a 3rd party one for the 10-30mm about £6 from e.bay :)
Nod if you get an X10 you can get the lens hood for around a tenner off Amazon.

As JohnN says what about the Panasonic LX7 which is one of my shortlist. I also am looking at the Canon G15, Nikon P7700 & Olympus XZ-2. All quite new models and all with better lens than the previous models.
You maybe need to learn to "do" ebay. A hood and adaptor is a tenner and a case is 8 quid. Nothing to lose as a lot of small retailers just use eBay instead of hosting their own site due to increased market and less hassle due to out of the box sales tool.

I'm sure I could "do" e-bay but I choose not to! Not so much e-bay as the unregulated bank they prefer you to use when transferring the funds!

Anyway, as it happens, I visited my chosen retailer and asked the relevant questions and tried both contenders on for size, feel and most importantly, pocket fit. Neither would fit the top shirt pocket BUT, they recommended a 3rd option, which I didn't know existed. Basically an X-10 with a fully retractable lens. Fits in the shirt pocket, even with the matching leather case on!

As I said in my car based thread, I've bought myself an XF! To be precise, an XF1 with brown leather and a brown leather case. I looked at the black one but prefered the leather finish on the brown (as well as it matching the case they had in stock).

As Yv correctly surmised, I very rarely wear a suit (HM&D, with H&D being thankfully extremely rare!), although the thing (in its case) slides neatly into the pockets of the one I do have.

To my eyes, it looks better than the X10, having a little of the Leica look about it - silver top and bottom plates surrounding a leather body. The DCC page for it is here if anyone wants to see what I mean. (The case is in the Recommended Accessories section). Priced as advertised (cheaper than WEX and I could take it away) with the case coming at a decent discount (20% because it's me!). Already got plenty of cards and there's a spare battery on order for me (genuine Fuji since there's little price difference between that and an Ansman one). Hopefully, we'll be getting out and about tomorrow so I can take some photographs with it. You never know, I may even post a couple if I get anything worth posting!
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