1 vs 2

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can anyone explain to me why the canon 300 prime 2.8 mk2 costs so much more. its staggering and as a newbie is it worth it thnx
Early adopters' premium mainly. The street price will drop in the new year, but it's new, it's better, and Canon obviously thinks folks will pay.

They're not usually wrong, but it's certainly steep.
When you get to this level of lens, small improvements cost disproportionally more.
The differences are lighter weight which really makes little difference to me. Optical performance is marginally better but the 300mm f2.8 is mk1 is very good in this department the AF is quicker this would probably be the only thing that would attract me as i hate missing shots each frame missed is Pounds shillings and pence where im concerned. Is it worth the money hmmm
maybe not for everyone but it is tax deductable for me am i going to race out and buy one. Im not sure yet i will try one and then make a decision hopefully with the X 2 extender then i will make a choice. ;)
Personally I think the mk 1 will suit most people and I suspect they'll hold their value pretty well as it really is an exceptional lens.
I suspect the upgrade is really for the video market, with the new IS system, everyone I know with a mk 1 thinks it's the bees knees.

The new prices are I suspect going to put a lot of people off.