Beginner 100mm filter holder adaptors? Help please.

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I have a 100mm Formatt Hitech filter holder and at the moment, a 72mm adaptor ring to fit it to my daily Sigma lens.
I now have a Tokina 11-16mm lens and need a 77mm adaptor ring so I can fit the holder etc.

The current adaptor ring will work with 77-72mm step down rings but I'm left with a huge vignette from the width of the ring obscuring the view.

Ive found the adaptor on Amazon but there are 2 types and both look slightly different. And one is double the price of the other.

Can anyone tell me the difference between these 2? Are they for different things. My current 72mm adaptor has the wide surface area similar to this first one....

and then theres this one, which looks wrong, but says the same description....
Both will fit but for a wide angle lens you need a wide angle adapter, i.e. the 1st link ... all that said, at 11mm you may well still find some vignetting that you will need to rectify in processing.
The photo used in the first link isn't a 77mm adapter....more like 58mm.

You need a 77mm wide-angle adapter....the wide angle versions reduce vignetting by placing the holder closer to the lens but they are more expensive.
I suspect that the item in the first link is the one you want (based on the description) but it won't look like the photo.

Thanks guys. Do you know if there are any aftermarket versions that will do the same job? The reviews don't look too good, specifically comments about fitment on to the Tokina 11-16.
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If compatible the genuine Lee 77mm w/a is cheaper at WEX
Bristol Camera's aren't badly priced for some things like this but don't order if you want it within the next week or so!!
If compatible the genuine Lee 77mm w/a is cheaper at WEX

The diameter of the aperture in the Hitech filter holder is 90mm.
The adaptor ring (90mm) has a step ridge in it where the holder sits against which is approx. 92mm.
I'm not sure if any other manufacturer (Lee) is compatible.
Ive just looked on the WEX website and I can now see the difference on how the WA adaptor brings the filter holder closer.
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