12 months down the line.

Edit My Images
well i purchased my first camera in late 2011.......

I took this in April 2012

i returned this year to the same location.. and with what i had learnt from viewing phots and C and C from the forum...

I like to think i have improved with my photography... and its all down to you guys on here.

big thank you everyone.

Two things strike me straight away Darren - OOF and bright white sky :shrug: Did you use a tripod and ND filter? I've not made serious efforts at this type of thing since I started playing with cameras a couple of years ago, so am only responding as a novice myself.
Two things strike me straight away Darren - OOF and bright white sky :shrug: Did you use a tripod and ND filter? I've not made serious efforts at this type of thing since I started playing with cameras a couple of years ago, so am only responding as a novice myself.

cheers for your comments.

hand held and no grad filter.
If you dont have a tripod, try sitting the camera down on a steady surface and fire off the timer to avoid camera shake. If you are shooting in daylight, then without a filter, you'll need to blend two exposures