14 day old Moon - Up close and personal


Graham, you can find the info at http://www.fourmilab.ch/earthview/pacalc.html, looks to be October 26th at 12:27, but I'm not sure you'll see much difference.

Rob, there is a hack for the 450d that will allow you to capture in a video format. I've never tried it though, not sure I want to hack it to be honest... I'm not sure what the frame rate would be, but I was averaging 35 fps on the captures for this, and the frame rate makes a big difference..
Damn, me and trying to get it on my 300mm, just brilliant.
Hiya John,

OMG you are a true inspiration to astrophotography!!!!

The images you produce are amazing and I love looking at what you capture of 'out of space' and share with us, especially the moon pics.

I hope this is a good year for you as far as clear skies are concerned because I can't wait to see what else you can get this year.

I have been waiting for a clear night to take photos for my moon journal, but unfortunately so far this year I have not had a clear sky so not sure that is going to take effect. Not to mention that I have so many other projects on the go at the mo.

I am sat looking at the moon right now as I type this, but there is just so much haze and fog about. I wish I knew of a way to capture the moon with all this 'clutter' because it could look beautiful in an image. Do you have any suggestions?


Dawn :)

Thanks very much Dawn. I hope it's a better year than last year, it'd struggle to be worse... I'd like to get a larger telescope that would help.

I know what you mean about the weather... that's why I did this last night, just had to go do something...

As for the sky rubbish... watch and hope... If it's a thin mist, then go for it anyway... a thin mist often indicates that the seeing is better... it'll drop the shutter speed a bit but.. Otherwise, you've got the option of trying to shoot a Corona (coloured ring in close) or the Lunar halo... a ring 22 degrees out from the moon. Or even a weird moon backlit cloud scape... the effects can be very dramatic...

Good luck... and patience is very much a necessity, not a virtue..
Thanks very much Dawn. I hope it's a better year than last year, it'd struggle to be worse... I'd like to get a larger telescope that would help.

I know what you mean about the weather... that's why I did this last night, just had to go do something...

As for the sky rubbish... watch and hope... If it's a thin mist, then go for it anyway... a thin mist often indicates that the seeing is better... it'll drop the shutter speed a bit but.. Otherwise, you've got the option of trying to shoot a Corona (coloured ring in close) or the Lunar halo... a ring 22 degrees out from the moon. Or even a weird moon backlit cloud scape... the effects can be very dramatic...

Good luck... and patience is very much a necessity, not a virtue..

Hiya John,

Thanks, I might give it a go tonight if it is still a bit misty. I did see a halo effet and coloured rings last night, but didn't try to get a photo. Now I wish I had tried as it may have been quite effective.


Dawn :)
Dawn, here's a Halo... I've not been able to put a decent shot of the moon back into the middle... a 2 shot pano to fit it in at 18mm, thus 2 sets of flare...

Dawn, here's a Halo... I've not been able to put a decent shot of the moon back into the middle... a 2 shot pano to fit it in at 18mm, thus 2 sets of flare...


Hiya John,

Wow that is gorgeous, and is just what I saw the other night. Drat! Now I wish I had tried to take a pic, hopefully I will have the luck to see another soon.

Thanks for posting this pic and the explanation too.


Dawn :)
Thanks Dawn... it's a really tricky exposure, as the dynamic range is just enormous...

Hope you get to see and capture one soon.
Fantastic image! Now I'm having a nose at iMerge, never heard of it before
Thanks Ryan. iMerge gets used quite a bit for this sort of thing, and used to be my tool of choice. Now I try ICE first, and if that gets the mosaicing wrong, go back to iMerge.
I agree with everyone. Stunning picture especially when viewed at full size. The detail is superb and it had me hunting around for that flag.:D The problem with my sons new scope is that it's not really that good for the moon as I can't get the whole moon in the shot with my D90. Is it possible to buy a reducer of some sort.:thinking:
That's going to be the moon shot benchmark for a very long time on these here forums :) You make NASA cry.
Thanks very much everyone...

Gary, I don't think NASA are gonna be in any danger, after all they can put high res cameras in orbit about the moon, much shorter working distance :D...

Dougie, remind me what the scope is ? You can get focal reducers, like a TC but makes it shorter... but... this image is made up of 28 sections stuck together... you might need to take a couple of shots and stitch them. It works with an SLR just as well as with the webcam sized sensor I used here. Alternatively, get a webcam http://www.morgancomputers.co.uk/shop/detail.asp?ProductID=6313&CategoryID=452&SubCategoryID=522 and try a mosaic like this one ;)...
Amazing picture. I think i just found my new screensaver :D
There are a lot of opportunities to advertise legitimately. Where do we send the invoice?
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Thanks Fullzoom

Amazing picture. I think i just found my new screensaver :D
There are a lot of opportunities with this picture through

Thanks for the comment.. it's polite to ask, rather than just take. As for the editing... I don't think so, it's fine as it is, with my editing. Is that your company your advertising ?
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