17th Challenge for the Days Ahead

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Well - I know I said I'd have to get my thinking cap on about a topic for Challenge 17, but then it struck me...


Inspired by the fact that i've been out on the Bike 6 days this week, and each time its rained on me. I'm thinking of trading the Bike in for an Ark to be honest.
Looking forward to seeing the interpretations of "every true englishmans obsession".

:rules:Usual rules apply:
All enrties must be new photos, taken within the time frame of the comp.
Maximum of 3 entries per person.
Limited PP, cropping, exposure control, sharpening etc is okay, multi layered cut and pasting is not.
The winner chooses the theme for the following challenge

Entries can be posted from 8pm on Thursday 21st until 8pm on Sunday 24th, with the winner announced later that evening.
:D no photo's of soggy cyclists though - i've already cornered the market on those :LOL:
There's no weather here in Essex at the moment but I'll keep an eye open in case we get some later on :)
I'll give it a bash. After all, there does appear to be quite a bit of weather around us at the moment, so I should be able to come up with somethign.
urm theres always weather sunshine,rain, hail, fog, sometimes snow :LOL: everywhere :D Ive got an idea its just getting a shot

I was being ironic ;) Some people even say there is weather at night :LOL:

Ahhh - there are a few drops of weather just landing on the windows now :)
Dont forget you can post your images from 8pm tonight, its open to all TP Members, looking forward to seeing lots of entries

We're open for entries people... Looking forward to seeing what everyone's come up with:D
Right, bright and early :p
My two entries for this week...


Very interesting theme, TBY. There is a different photo outside my window every day :)

In addition, pointing at the sky has shown me that my sensor is filthy :( I must clean it. Interestingly enough, the dirt only shows when I shoot RAW. The jpeg processing must filter it out.

I didn't copy, honest....


I may not get a chance to post over the weekend so here are my other two entries....


I'm a bit disapointed, I've had a couple of great ideas for some weather type shots but we have had very little bad weather down here since the theme was proposed. I am away from this evening until Sunday evening so will just have to make do with my fall back shot i'm afraid.

Drying Weather

Here's my entries for this challenge, subject to change if anything better comes along between now and Sunday evening. The first is a tad cheeky, but the OP did say he was looking forward to our "interpretations" :LOL:

1. Snow scene:


2. Rain clouds gathering...


3. God's territory, seen from God's territory:


Thanks for looking. (y)
Hep where do you live bud surely its not snowed in the last few days :cautious: or did you PP it today :LOL:

Lol dave. As much as I wish it would it hasn't, no. Neither is it PP work. I did say it was a tad cheeky and it's actually a photo of a photo taken when there was real snow on the ground.

The OP said anything weather related and was looking forward to our interpretations... well how's that for interpreting? ;) And besides, it was a lot cheaper than hiring a snow making machine! :LOL:

:rules:Usual rules apply:
All entries must be new photos, taken within the time frame of the comp.
Maximum of 3 entries per person.
Limited PP, cropping, exposure control, sharpening etc is okay, multi layered cut and pasting is not.
The winner chooses the theme for the following challenge

Entries can be posted from 8pm on Thursday 21st until 8pm on Sunday 24th, with the winner announced later that evening.

Though to be honest i'd spoken to someone this week who'd said they'd just had a hailstorm that had left their garden white over, and half thought it might have been the same for you... :LOL:
Lol dave. As much as I wish it would it hasn't, no. Neither is it PP work. I did say it was a tad cheeky and it's actually a photo of a photo taken when there was real snow on the ground.

The OP said anything weather related and was looking forward to our interpretations... well how's that for interpreting? ;) And besides, it was a lot cheaper than hiring a snow making machine! :LOL:

:LOL: I thought that you were just typing with a stutter!
Ah, thing is, he DID take the photo...of the photo, this week :naughty:

Exactly. Thanks Shorty. And if anyone cares to read my original post I did say it was a tad cheeky. But breaking rules or cheating, as a certain Edbray imples, it is not. By all means amend the rules for the next challenge but don't make it out to be anything other than what it claimed to be... I mean, come on... it's not like it's even a serious contender in what is nothing more than what should be a friendly challenge with nothing to gain other than a bit of kudos and the opportunity to set and judge a subsequent challenge! *rolls eyes*. :LOL:

So far the weather has been mostly sunnying, so I have had to rely on my occaisional lack of spelling skills to....err manipulate my idea.

This little calf was deciding weather it should go back to feeding, or hide behinds it's mum. I took the shot, then moved slowly away so as not to cause it any distress.


What could be better than relaxing in the sun with a cold beer? - My SUNNY picture.
Exactly. Thanks Shorty. And if anyone cares to read my original post I did say it was a tad cheeky. But breaking rules or cheating, as a certain Edbray imples, it is not. By all means amend the rules for the next challenge but don't make it out to be anything other than what it claimed to be... I mean, come on... it's not like it's even a serious contender in what is nothing more than what should be a friendly challenge with nothing to gain other than a bit of kudos and the opportunity to set and judge a subsequent challenge! *rolls eyes*. :LOL:

Wish I'd never bothered now...:shake:
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