1Gb CF Card - £7.20 inc vat

Not accelerated at all going by the reviews but at that price you can't go wrong. Buy them and use them as backup to your main cards for those long days out.

I just bought 3 :)
ooooh no I haven't!

During the processing of your order we have discovered the item(s) listed above are not currently in stock to be dispatched. If the product is still shown on the website with a lead time of less than 99 days then it is out of stock, however if it no longer appears when you attempt to search for it or it has a lead time of 99 days, it is now discontinued.

Please note: At the time of this email the above product was out of stock, however things may have changed and the item(s) may now be back in stock. If your order status is showing as "Payment Taken" this means the item is available and your order is being processed. Therefore you may ignore this email.

Where possible we have already allocated any other items on your order for 48 hours (this only applies to products held in our own warehouses). This gives you the opportunity to remove/replace the out of stock item(s) for one that is available, without losing the items you have already ordered.

If you do not change your order within 48 hours from time of placement we will remove any allocatation and make this stock available to other customers orders.

Please click on the link below to view your order, from here you have the option to remove/replace these items individually, cancel your order, or place all of your ordered items back into your shopping cart and start again (if you take this option then all allocation will be lost - allocation is only maintained if you remove/replace the out of stock item). Alternatively you may leave your order as it is and as soon as ALL items are available we will dispatch the order directly to your door.

PLEASE NOTE: we will only ship your order ONCE ALL items are available and we do NOT process payment until ALL items on your order are in stock and ALL the goods are available for dispatch.

We attempt to re-process your order every 30 mins (approx), this email will only be sent to you each time the situation changes, if you are happy to wait then there is no need to contact us.

I can't make head or tail of this, ok the cards are out of stock but should I change my order or leave it?
I got one earlier and they sent a confirmation e.mail saying it should arrive on Tuesday.
As my boss would say "At that price you can't fall off".
I just ordered one and got a different email to that above:

Please note that this email simply ackowledges that we have received your offer to purchase the items listed above. It is not an acknowledgement that we have accepted your order. We will contact you separately to acknowledge whether or not we have accepted your order.

If there are any processing problems with your order you will receive an email advising you of the problem and the course of action that you can take to resolve the problem
If you click the link in the email then click the order number it gives a delivery date etc.
minimeeze said:
Just ordered two - thanks Marcel (y)
That's strange it's still telling me there are 19 left......and there was 39 people viewing them yesterday, would have thought they'd all be gone by now.
I purchased a couple as well. Got the same message acknowledging receipt etc etc.

Looked at the status of the order and mine simply states ALLOCATED. No anticipated delivery time or anything.

Will ahve to check on this regularly to see if I was lucky enough to be one of the few or not.
mine said 'allocated' yesterday and then about 30 mins later it changed to a delivery date, but I havent got the normal invoice thatI usually get off Ebuyer.

If there were only 19 yesterday, us lot on here have bought the lot :)
Yep, I just got the following email:

"Dear Sir/Madam,

Ref: Viking 1GB Compact Flash Card

Thank you for your purchase with Ebuyer UK Ltd.

It is with deepest regret that we send this email to inform you of a pricing error that has affected your order

The above item was advertised on our site at an incorrect price of £6.12

Whilst we do appreciate our customers requiring this product at the lower incorrect price, unfortunately this price was advertised due to a system error, causing the cost to show on our site significantly lower than the actual correct price.

The information advertised on our site has been immediately updated to reflect the correct cost. Your order has been placed on hold and we would like you to confirm if you would like to continue with the item at the correct price of £12.49

Should you still require this product please contact our customer support on

0845 123 1100 or use our enote service and we will process your order. If we have had no response within 14days your order will be automatically cancelled.

Once again we do offer our unreserved apologies for the aggravation this matter has caused.

Kind Regards,

Ebuyer Customer Support Team."

Grrrrrrrrr :annoyed:
can they do this? I think they have to sell it at the price it was advertised at, especially as they have sent you an email to tell you of the price increase!
It all depends if theyve taken payment.....
but a cardi I had my eye on in a shop for £26 was put in the window with a sticker on it saying £12 so we went in the shop and they said it had been priced wrongly, they weren't happy but they had to sell it to us at £12! I left the shop in reality and left Barry to sort it out......so glad he did!
No shop has to sell you anything at the price advertised unless they agree to do so i.e. take the money. This is meant to cover them against mistakes (which do happen)
If you see the price on the ticket and the assistant says oh sorry that's a mistake it's tough luck for you. If the assistant says certainly that will be x pounds and takes your money, it's tough on them.

My ebuyer order now has a delivery date of the 20th on it but still shows allocated, fingers crossed :)
Mine is still allocated as well but with a date for delivery now on the order.

I am thinking that they are out of stock but continued to take the orders so have now processed all the orders and those that came in after the stock has been exhausted will get a new batch when they come into store.

As with most companies at this point, they see that it is selling well so they have put the prices back up, come up with a cock and bull story, havent taken any money from you so legally can sell on at that price.

However, I will be keeping a close eye on this and my credit card in case I am wrong.
Steep said:
No shop has to sell you anything at the price advertised unless they agree to do so i.e. take the money. This is meant to cover them against mistakes (which do happen)
If you see the price on the ticket and the assistant says oh sorry that's a mistake it's tough luck for you. If the assistant says certainly that will be x pounds and takes your money, it's tough on them.

My ebuyer order now has a delivery date of the 20th on it but still shows allocated, fingers crossed :)

I'm not sure they have to take the money but only agree to the sale. Which they did by accepting your orders so you should be able to claim that the original price applies.

That doesn't mean that they will of course.
Basically it all rides on contract.

If they advertise a product for a certain price, that is known as an "invitation to treat" or something like that. That's all. They don't have to honour anything yet.

However, as soon as a contract is formed, then they must fulfil their part of said contract, and that is by supplying the goods.
Usually, it's accepted that a contract is formed, when payment is accepted.

So if they've taken your money, they have to honour the contract. If all you have is an order 'acknowledgement' or some such, then you're out of luck I'm afraid.

That's why alot of places now, don't properly accept your order until payment is made, and actually state that a contract isn't formed until they take payment.
ebuyer are terrible for having the wrong stock number And the wrong price. They also sold me a SD flash memory card instead of a SD Memory stick which i asked for, I checked the code on the statement and it was for the card, yet the description was for the stick. My advice. They are cheap, and can be very good, but their quility control of the website leaves alot to be desired.
So if they've taken your money, they have to honour the contract. If all you have is an order 'acknowledgement' or some such, then you're out of luck I'm afraid.
I bought a TV from the homebase website last year. It was listed at some silly amount and with shipping charges it only came to £5.50 or something.

Placed my order, they took my money, realised their mistake and e-mailed me telling me they weren't going to fulfil the order. Even though they'd taken my money. I didn't get a refund until nearly two weeks later.
I think with the fact that it was £5.50, there may be some sort of get out for them IIRC.
If anyone remembers the Argos fiasco last year over the £500 tv's, they were priced at £50 or something, and they didnt have to honour the ones where theyd taken themoney.

The reason being is because it is reasonable to assume that the purchasers KNEW it was a misprice, due to the amount.
Gah! I got the oops we made a mistake email today plus the cheeky so and so's have upped the price showing on my order to the full £12.49 each! :(

I'm going to give them a piece of my mind!
Dear sirs,
What a shoddy and dishonest way to treat a long term customer! I believe you accepted my order for these cards at the original price of £6.12 as advertised and I think you should keep to the bargain we set. I certainly will not buy them at your now inflated price when I can buy faster cards for very little more elsewhere. If you refuse to honour the original price you have lost me as a customer for good and you can be sure that your company will not be recommended by me in future.

Hugh Marnoch
Some years ago (2002) I got in on the Kodak misprice which put a lot of sites wise to sales laws. The Kodak system automatically sent out a confirmation email with wording accepting the order and confirming it.

I only bought one £270 ish (?) camera for £100 but some people ordered 100's. It made the news at the time. I sold it straight on on ebay for £220 :)
Yep I got the same email as Steep. My order is showing the new price but I dont think they will send it or confirm it now unless I call them and tell them I still want the items. Or thats how I first read it anyways.
Marcel said:
Basically it all rides on contract.

If they advertise a product for a certain price, that is known as an "invitation to treat" or something like that. That's all. They don't have to honour anything yet.

However, as soon as a contract is formed, then they must fulfil their part of said contract, and that is by supplying the goods.
Usually, it's accepted that a contract is formed, when payment is accepted.

So if they've taken your money, they have to honour the contract. If all you have is an order 'acknowledgement' or some such, then you're out of luck I'm afraid.

That's why alot of places now, don't properly accept your order until payment is made, and actually state that a contract isn't formed until they take payment.

you are quite right Marcel. It is known as 'an invitation to treat', well known in contract law.. Anyone can put a price on an item, e.g £1 on a brand new car. But the seller doesnot have to sell it at a £1, it is purely known as invitation to treat. If the seller took the £1 off you then you are entitled to keep the goods as a contract would have been formed between the buyer and the seller which is legally binding in a court of law
A lot of the emails you get sent by online suppliers now have a disclaimer such as:

"This email does not constitute an order until payment has been received."

that is from scan.co.uk.

So i can sit there with a confirmation of what i want and the prices but until they take payment there is no obligation for them to fulfil it.