1st attempt at lighting


<span class="poty">POTY (Joint) 2016</span>
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I couldn't be in more out of my comfort zone if i tried with this type of photography, so you lighting experts out there give it to me with both barrels LOL

it was taken in my kitchen so no fancy backgrounds also as my daughter is 17 i did a bit of skin smoothing to soften the skin a little

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I like it! Lighting looks good to me, skin looks like its been processed but doesn't look overdone imho, only C&C would be that I'd like to see just a little of her left eye...

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I think it's a great shot and I really like the crop you have chosen. Have you done anything PP wise with the eyes?
i whitened and sharpened which i think is what you should do
i whitened and sharpened which i think is what you should do

Yes I think you're right. But I can't quite decide whether or not you've very, very slightly over cooked it. Still a very good shot though.
I like it, I think its an unusual crop, but I like to see different images and this one is different.
I would be tempted to smooth the skin even further and add a refection of something to the eye on the left. I would like to play with this portrait.:)
if you want to have a play then go for it matey :)
To be honest with me it looks like a split before and after as the left side looks unprocessed to the right but still a good effort..maybe lighten the left side up a little and u will have a good image..Just had a quick play using adjustment curves layer to equal the skin tones out if u dont mind...

I like it, what lighting did you use? and from where? just one thing I see is the catch light in her eye could have been bettter looks like a window light but thats just being picky great shot :)
i used 1 speedlight with a softbox just above and to the front/left of her

thanks for everybody's suggestions and comments im going to start from scratch and give it another go :D

adam, i see where your coming from and will give it a go
hows this?

Well this was screaming out to be done :D, hope you like it, I know its dark, highly manipulated and not everyones tastes, but I like it. Hope your daughter isnt too horrified

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lol well the certainly has been 'played' with :eek:
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I realise that it's all about experimentation and I'm all for that. However, I think the first one in the best and even that could do with slightly less PP. I think it's a good, simple shot and her skin is good enough to look good without softening.

If you want to see amazing skin PP, hunt down Pelepiano's work. He seems to me a master.
tbh it was an experimentation with lighting im trying to get the studio look and was practicing so wasnt concentrating hair pose ect, its one step at a time for me as this was the first time id tried it
ok heres the larger un-cropped versions, not a great amount of pp in lightroom, remember i wasnt thinking of poses ect i just grabbed my daughter and said 'stand there will you' lol


and this one is where i was using a softbox just behind her on the right


does this help advising me on lighting?
I really like the first.. she has perfect eyes for this kind of shot, wide and bright.. and i like the crop and processing.. not too ott.. the only thing is, her hair looks like she has split ends.. but this could be because its been over sharpened..

Its a thumbs up from me..