1st attempt at sunset (and a B&W thrown in for good-sih measure) hmmm!

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Went down to Conwy yesterday and having never tried sunset shots before thought id give it a wirl. Have only got a 18-55 kit lens for my D60 so had to peservere with that.

Im still very much learning about landscape and was realy just trying to work on getting the correct settings in manual mode, dont think ive suceeded very well here though lol!!

Conwy Beach Sunset1 by hewhoknows, on Flickr

Conwy Beach Sunset2 by hewhoknows, on Flickr

Went into the hills for a walk too, tried my 1st B&W landscape shot too :shrug:

Conwy hills B&W by hewhoknows, on Flickr

Havent edited any of these in photoshop due to me wanting feedback on my actual picture taking. Thanks
Landscapes are something I am trying to get into too! Really like these, a very good first attempt. 2 is my favourite, horizon is in the middle of the shot in 1 which makes it a little less interesting than 2 in my opinion. I like the way the wall leads you into the shot in 3.:clap:
Successful I would say! No2 is just perfect and is as good as any other great sunset shot on TP. (y)
Thanks guys, was really struggling to get the settings right so suprised i got a few half decent shots on the day. All kept on coming out either too dark or too light.
I think they are all pretty good with no. 2 being my favourite.....

I understand why you haven't done any pp, but you could bring out so much more with a bit of work...... i take such awfull pics that i have to do pp.... but thats fun as well :)

Dave ;)