1st Baby Shots

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My 1st attempt at baby shots. :)

C&C Welcome.


good first effort, i like the background in the first one, but the image looks a little flat contrast wise, did you adjust the curve, maybe a gentle s-curve would give slightly better contrast
the second could have been a lovely close study of baby sleeping in b&w, but the material to the right is distracting, and it's not the most flattering looking right up their nose...
Good effort and what a beautiful model.

I agree with minesamohito's comments 100%
Thanks you for the comments. I haven't adjusted the shots at all. She was only 2 days old in the shots so didn't want to use any flash. they are both taken with available light only. The background in the 1st is just her blanket on the floor. Would I need more light (maybe flash) to get more contrast.?

The 2nd shot was more of a point and shoot to be honest. I just like the way it looked in B&W.

I like the sound of the B&W finger and toe shots. When I get a chance to have a go I will post on here

2 days old...bless! the best/easiest thing for baby photos is a nice large window without direct sun, it acts like a big softbox, try to get a nice big blanket or sheet a few feet away, and try adjusting the position of the baby to get a nice gentle light falling across their face
you can adjust the image in photoshop or similar to get the best out of a flat image by using levels and curves tools, a nice smooth s curve usually works
definately go for the detailed shots, especially while they're so little, my little boy is 3 months now, and he's definately had to get used to having a camera pointed at him, let me know if you need any more advice, am happy to help if i can