1st game booked need FTP help

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As none of you can play nicely, I'm closing. I've had enough of the bickering in the sports forums now. This is getting worse than the wedding threads used to be.
You have got me so wrong

My favourite 9 months was covering welsh premier league football - no stewards, complete freedom and a thoroughly enjoyable experience. I don't care about four world cup finals my passion is for lower league football or the obscure.

There is no new talent out there, everyone tried to emulate getty images blissfully unaware most of those guys grew up shooting full frame slide film.

If Simon cowell hears someone sing out of tune then he tells it as it is.

By all means enjoy photography n snap away at sport but when u make the grade up HR goes out of the window. You cab not read books u only learn by making mistakes n being slaughtered for it. I can assure you there are plenty worse than me.

what the hell has any of that to do with FTP settings??

Im with Kelly on this, sports is turning into a creche. jumping on threads like you have matt is counterproductive to your reputation, and spoiling threads for other people.
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