1st go at tonemapping

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I have tonemapped a single image in Photomatix then done noise reduction in Photoshop using Noise Ninja. Final tidy up included cropping, brightness adjusment and a small amount of sharpening.

C&C please

Click picture for larger version

Original image for comparison


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very nicely done. I should imagine you're very pleased with the result.

Thanks, yes I am pleased with it as previous attempts at stacking multiple images with varying exposures created from one raw file never really worked. This was done as a tonemap of a single image.

Tonemapped a single RAW to try and maximise the exposure latitude, or done for some other effect? It's not overdone, whatever was done, perhaps posting up the "straight" image would give some indication of how successful the process was?

Thanks, just a tonemapped image from a single file. Seen it done before and fancied having a go as I quite like the effect. Straight image added to original post for comparison.
Erm, can I ask a silly question - what is the point? What can tonemapping achieve differently than any other normal/simpler processing (curves, selective dodging and burning) would have not on the original image?
trying to tonemap from multiple images moving at that speed would never work, so single image is the way to go. I see the main effect is the darkening of the track surface and the bike. I like the way it seems to add something to the original photo. You could always try exporting the original file into mutiple 1 stop apart exposures, perhaps 3 of them at -1,0,+1, and see how that works for you.
You could probably achieve exactly the same results with some curves and saturation, but either way, it's added some punch.
Great shot but, oh those tyres, ruins it for me, sorry.

The difference between the two shots is remarkable.
It's very nice mate, and a definate improvement, although the original was good in itself. There's almost a hint of HDR about it but it's very subtle.

Tonemapped, hue/saturation, curves etc, it doesn't matter how the end result is achieved, the result itself is the important thing and this one is very well done.:clap:
I've got to say that processing an HDR image from that particular shot was unneccessary and has made it worse in my opinion. The original was perfectly good enough and a curves adjustment etc would have produced a much better image. The tonemapped image looks less sharp, has untrue colours and I get the feeling that there's some haloing going on.

Perhaps I'm old fashioned but I really do think the original is the better photograph.

OTOH - as a play about with photomatix you've obviously shown what can be achieved. But to this day I still find the majority of HDR images to have an almost cartoon/arty/drawing type look to them. Unnatural is probably the work I'm looking for. Lots of them appear in the popular photography mags these days I've noticed.

I'll get my pipe and slippers out now :coat:
All the "tonemapping" here has shown is that the original pic looks better with a little more contrast and a slightly darker exposure. I question if any tones have really been mapped - HDR usually has an opposite effect, essentially darkening highlights and brightening shadows - not unlike a reduction in contrast.