25th Silver Anniversary,

Just Dave

In Memoriam
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I recently entered this as a competition entry and it came 2nd, Theme was "Celebration"

I choose 25th Silver Anniversary, My idea was to recreate our 25th wedding anniversary night, I tried to give it a warm balmy Mediterranean feel, the wine bottle I got from a neighbour and used weak tea to fill it, C+C Welcome

IMG_6902 Celebrations 25th Anniversary by Just Daves Photos, on Flickr

Nice Dave, I get a nice feeling from this photo, the background bokeh I think really adds to the image , where was the competition featured, congrats on 2nd
Well done on getting 2nd. Blue lights too bright on my monitor and catch the eye more than the subject.

Wine not Champagne? They are after all Champagne glasses

Think I'd have the wine bottle on show more
:clap: Congratulations Dave - on the 2nd place win and belatedly on the wedding anniversary.

Lovely, lovely shot - in fact it's given me some inspiration for some Christmas still life pics once the fairy lights are out.

Personally, I think the background works really well. I love the contrast between the warm foreground and the blue lights and it just gives a bit more interest than a plain b/g would.
However, I think the blue may just be a bit overpowering where it's reflected in the bottle and glasses. Perhaps a bit more distance between the lights and the foreground would have toned it back a bit.

This really is right up my street though and IMO very, very close to being perfect (y)
Thanks very much Sarah, it was our 25th I tried to recreate, were now up to our 37th wedding anniversary, really pleased you noticed I tried to get the foreground to be warm but the BG cool, I couldnt get any more distance from the tree lights, as I was at one side of the room and the tree at the other, I had them set to on all the time maybe I should have had them on twinkle,

Thanks very much again for taking your time and commenting its much appreciated (y)
I like that Dave- no matter what bottle / Glasses you used, its a cracking shot- well lit and composition is spot on for me mate :clap:

Congratulations on coming 2nd too :D

Les (y)
Well done Dave! I knew it had a good chance, 2nd spot is very good.
Dont mind the background, adds to the celebratory feel of the image.
Very pleased for you!
A well deserved second place shot in my opinion (y)

I don't think the background is distracting myself, it's kind of in contrast to the warmth of the celebration and the candle. Win/champagne, I don't really care - I don't drink ahah :LOL:

But yeah, great shot and well done on getting second place! Needs to be first next time ;)
I think it would work well! There's even a space in the top right for a bit of text :p

Ta Josh, I think so too, Id like to hear peps comments good or Crit just dont seem to get any thoughts on my pics, I can take it and I dont bite, this shot took me 3hrs all together to shoot and clean up but many more thinking about its comp & lighting, a lot of thought, but little recognition, personally I think I did well, but shame theres not much thoughts to help how it could have been better, ah well, way it goes,

LOL if I ignored all the PMs I get to give opinions on shots

dunno I put loads into TP but get little crit on my shots, :LOL: they must be perfect or carp :LOL::LOL::LOL:
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Nice moody shot, a couple of points I would change:

Some light from the front (well, the side and front) not much, but just a hint of 'clean' light, to give a bit more sparkle to the glassware, and take the murkiness out of the heart and chocolates(?) at the bottom. Could also add a bit of light from rear-left to shine through the glassware and give even more separation between foreground and background.

Secondly, the blues are over-saturated. Not too bad in the background, but where the lights are refracted through the bottle and right hand flute, it has blown out and makes the glass look messy.

This is probably just a profile thing, I don't what software you use, but as an example, I stick my raws through Lightroom and find the default "Adobe Standard" profile is pretty poor, especially for shots like this (with coloured lights in frame). I switch to "Camera Standard" (which I guess changes depending on what you shot with) and find it gives a much better starting point for saturated colours.

Or you could just tweak the blue channel and see if you can get the highlights under control.

Finally, if you wanted to get really picky. The label has a knick taken out of it, and you should have taken the label off the back of the bottle / found one without a label on the back. :p

PS super picky - use a tilt-shift lens, or a camera with movements, so you can keep the angle to see the top of the glasses, but straighten the bottle and candle with a bit of tilt. ;)
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Nice moody shot, a couple of points I would change:

Thanks James Im off to bed now but Ta for your massive reply its much appreciated although not fully read, I will reply tomorrow,just came a bit late, its late so thanks very much will read tomorrow (y)(y)(y) thanks again (y)

ta never even noticed the nick well done on spotting that rep 2moz N8
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