2nd Go at Rugby (C&C Very Welcome!)

Edit My Images

Thought I'd share these as my first decent chance to photograph the sport, as the first effort was on a miserable day and my starting settings were 1/400sec, f/5.6, @ ISO 3200 and the light got worse from there!

These are from Wallingford RFC vs. Wimbourne RFC in the Southern Counties Cup Final, Wimbourne playing in black ran out winners 25-20.

(Equipment: Canon 40D, 100-400mm lens, Monopod + muddy arse! Shot in AV mode using compensation)




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there are the makings of some good shots here.

Consider cropping them in tight to where the action is, usually the guy with the ball and any tacklers. Crop them portrait, where this is possible and take out all the lookers on. That will put the focus on where it needs to be.

Give it a go and re post some results (y)
Hi. I agree, crop in a bit more. Shame one team wears black and the other is almost the same color with the mud - more color usually helps!
Hi Nigel and Carol,

Thank you for your feedback, much appreciated.

I went back and had a look at 4 or 5 images and tried cropping them as advised but was pretty unhappy with the results with all but 2 of them. I think a combination of the shots I have (crowded scenes) and the extra depth of field of my set up (1.6x crop camera + f/5.6 aperture) means that in all but one shot I haven't managed to isolate the action from the background and surrounding players, as I could if shooting at telephoto with a f/2.8 aperture.

The only shot where I have come close to this is the second one below.

I think I will have to perhaps look to tell more of a story with my images unless I get opportunities to capture the type of classic sports action image with the individuals separated from an out of focus, diffuse background.

Thanks again and feel free to continue a discussion over what i've written above.


Alternative crop 1.

Alternative crop 2.
Hi. your alternative cropy 1 could still improve by cropping out some on either side to make a portrait orientation. Like the 2nd crop. Nice. Personally, I think a mixture of wider view and closer crops works well.
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Hi Carol,

Thank you for the added feedback. Am not sure about cropping anymore off the first one, as I think it might just be an exercise in Turd Polishing at this point!

Yes, will try and capture a range of images in future. I did have a second body with a 17-55mm lens on it but didn't use it, definitely should have - especially when Wimbourne were given a shield for their victory. Have learnt from that, will get off my arse and go get the shots next time! :)