2nd Post First Image!

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OK complete newbie here, got myself a shiny 450d and an assortment of kit, thought it would be good to post my first effort here for some comments. Please be kind!!

Took it on Sunday before it rained, have cropped it converted to Grayscale and done a little tidying up in Lightroom2 and PS3.

Number 2 son Harry:


Any advice?


Really nice photo...all I could have suggested is that it might have worked better in portrait!
Welcome :wave:

It works for me. great focus, eye contact etc. If I could tweak anything, I would have pref a touch less DoF to take out the fence. Very nice, and to be proud of (y)
Hi Leet, welcome along. I'm new to this site myself as I only joined yesterday. :)

The photo is very good. I can mainly reiterate what others have already said, that having it in portrait would be far better and also less depth of field. The fence is still quite blurred though so it's still ok like that. I wonder about more contrast helping the guy's face, but looking again, I'm not 100% sure! Maybe see if others agree or not. :)

Excellent work, particularly for a newbie. :)

Hi Lee,


I see no problem with this being in landscape and I like the capture of Harry, however if you couldn't turn all that background into Bokeh I would have preferred a better background altogether.

I realise that that might start to appear contrived, however a fence 3/4 of the background and a hedge the remaining 1/4 lets it down a bit.

I'm the worst for going for the opportunity but forgetting about background framing, anyway in the end I suppose you grab what you can get. My 2 cents worth...

Cheers for all the comments, this was the first one or two pics on Sunday.

Good to get so many positive comments :D

TBH I am a snapper and didnt consider composition or the landscape/portrait decision when taking the pic I just sat him down and said "smile" :thinking:

Amazing the things you consider when you have read a few posts on here and the realise that you actually should about the picture and mood you are trying to capture.

This was with the kit lens so f stop is a little limited, hence I went out and bought the nifty fifty to give more flexibilty to DoF.

Am off to Florida next week so will try my hand out taking more condsidered pics.

Look forward to posting more and more over the coming months....

Lee :)
Armed with my new EXIF view (thanks Ali (y)) that's 38mm F/5.6. You'd have to be stood a little further back with your 50mm but at f/1.8 I reckon you'd be hard pushed to identify it as a fence in the background.

I often apply some vignetting to portraits - under 'correct camera distortion' in photoshop.

Hope you don't mind - here's a sample: