2nd Shooter Steve and Lynne 28-05-10

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I assisted and 2nd shot yesterday for another TP member.
I don't like to make excuses, but my brief was to go long, pick out details and candids. Main tog got everything anyway I think. Also he got the job through his friend who was doing it but was then asked to be best man, so all we have to do is provide raw files. I've run these through Lightroom but only quickly and no photoshop.

1. Brides Mother and Grandmother.

2. Being given away.

3. Rings.

4. We went to church for a blessing.

5. Quick photo opp on the way back to the hotel.

6. Champagne.
7. Rolls headlight.

8. Ring and flower detail.

9. Grooms Mother enjoying the pipers hat.

10. I got loads like this during the speeches.

11. Dessert.

12. First dance.
This wouldn't of been in herts by any chance would it?
Don't think you need to make any excuses at all. They look great. I much prefer them to the actual photos that one 'has' to take.

Thanks graham :)

Yes I think so Matt, had to go cross country from j12 M1.
I would say that you have done an excellent job.(y)
A very good set and it looks like you filled the brief. You, the main photographer and the B&G should be very pleased with these. :clap:
I agree with what has been positively said already, well done.
You did good mate. Donkey dude will be thrilled with what you give him. Headlight shot shows you are thinking on your feet, well done.
Thanks graham :)

Yes I think so Matt, had to go cross country from j12 M1.

I thought I recognised the fountain in the background...;) it's in my home town letchworth.. In fact I have met the driver of the wedding car and taken and identical shot in the headlight at my cousins wedding.. I suppose it was letchworth hall hotel where the reception was held too...:LOL: Small world.
Be proud of yourself Merv, some cracking stuff there...exactly what i needed..had a quick flash thru mine last night...was all a bit rushed really wasnt it? still we got some nice images

ps...joking aside, wouldnt hesitate to use you again or recommend you as 2nd shooter to someone who needs one...Top Dollar mate
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I like the 'dessert' shot...good use of light and DoF there...well spotted...
I would say that you have done an excellent job.(y)

Thanks very much :)

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Long time no speak Rob, I'd like to know what you first thought...

Particularly like the headlights shot. Nice work!

Cheers Chris, I picked that one up pretty quickly from Andy :cautious:

A very good set and it looks like you filled the brief. You, the main photographer and the B&G should be very pleased with these. :clap:

I agree with what has been positively said already, well done.

Cheers Colin and Tom, great coming from both of you as I admire your work (y)

You did good mate. Donkey dude will be thrilled with what you give him. Headlight shot shows you are thinking on your feet, well done.

Cheers mate, you've helped all the way don't forget.

I thought I recognised the fountain in the background...;) it's in my home town letchworth.. In fact I have met the driver of the wedding car and taken and identical shot in the headlight at my cousins wedding.. I suppose it was letchworth hall hotel where the reception was held too...:LOL: Small world.

Yep, correct. Cracking venue in an oddly busy little town :D

Be proud of yourself Merv, some cracking stuff there...exactly what i needed..had a quick flash thru mine last night...was all a bit rushed really wasnt it? still we got some nice images

ps...joking aside, wouldnt hesitate to use you again or recommend you as 2nd shooter to someone who needs one...Top Dollar mate

It's a blur mate, how did 10 hours flash by so fast?
You were a true master at work on Friday mate, even though I saw it first hand I have no idea how you managed to rattle through that rather long list...
Thanks again for the opportunity, and the vote of confidence, it means a lot to me (y)

I like the 'dessert' shot...good use of light and DoF there...well spotted...

I didn't spell it wrong did I? Had to ask the girlfriend :LOL:
Thanks very much :)
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Long time no speak Rob, I'd like to know what you first thought...

It wasn't anything about your photography. It was just about the nature of weddings. I find the whole business pretty commercial and false. But, I can see from the other comments that have been made that I am clearly at odds with the general flow. If you want I can make some comments about the images, but I know I'll be shot down.
Feel free to PM me mate...
Do you have Skype?

That's a Greek island, isn't it?

OK, the shots. Firstly, I appreciate how difficult weddings must be to shoot - bad light, too much contrast, people in the way, others trying to take shots, so I understand the constraints you are under.

I think what I find hard to understand about the wedding thing is the headlong rush to get exactly the same set of things that make up 'the wedding'. It's almost a tick-list of 'must-haves', and photography is just one of them. Weddings now seem to be driven by the latest thing that's 'in' for weddings. That's why they are for the most part all the same. the only thing that is different are the guests.

As for your shots. I think you did well under the conditions, especially if you haven't done much of this sort of thing before. But may I comment on several.

#10 (Girl in the crowd). TBH I think this is pretty bad. You are led in through a sea of grey OOF heads to a girl (the main subject). Everyone is looking off camera, which makes it really hard to concentrate on her as the subject. I think you could have gone in closer.

#11 Dessert. Nice composition and colours, but I think it has too much exposure, even for hi-key.

#8 Ring/flower. very good shot. Just right.

#2 Given away. I don't think headless people shots ever work. Sorry.

#1 The two ladies. The ladies make a nice shot, but that guy asleep behind them spoils it. I also see it was only 1/50sec ISO 200, surely your D700 can handle ISO400 to get 1/100sec?

#5 The fountain. I like this one, it's a good shot, but there's quite a shadow across the bride's face. Nice though.

Please don't take this to heart. I probably couldn't do any better - I'm not saying I could. It's just how I see things.
Can't argue with much of that Rob.

On the ISO, you're right, the bounced flash helps freeze the subject but 400 would have upped the shutter speed and saved some flash power. I always try to shoot base ISO if possible, I'll reconsider that. Last shot is ISO3200...

I also agree about headless people, but I knew what my main was getting and shot as instructed.

I'm sort of glad I posted my excuses before my pictures :)

Skype is a free piece of software for your computer.
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OK, the shots. Firstly, I appreciate how difficult weddings must be to shoot - bad light, too much contrast, people in the way, others trying to take shots, so I understand the constraints you are under.

Please don't take this to heart. It's just how I see things.

Hey Rob, its folk who have the guts like that to give serious crits means alot to a decent website..brownie points..I know Merv has thick skin and he knows was there to learn, so unless he's told from a range of views, he wont gain as much knowledge as quickly...esp as hes got one all of his own this summer!!

To be honest Rob, Merv played down the day a bit..My list of Images was spread over four pages..i was helping out a friend who was doing the wedding to be told he was then being a best man! so it was kind of follow what the other chap had started..the day ran late, they had way to much to accomplish photography wise plus 12 people in a line up and speeches at 47 mins...we were outside shooting groups (endless....) at 8.15pm....we were meant to leave at 6.15..the wedding was also at 3pm......
My brief to Merv was as he has stated and that was to go long, pick out details, people laughing etc...from the images i saw flicking thru his cam, he did just that..he's prob learnt more than he realises and if he goes out again with anyone else he'll pick stuff up real quick..was a pleasure to have him helping out, i know i would not have anywhere near the list if it wasnt for him..(y)
Hey Rob, its folk who have the guts like that to give serious crits means alot to a decent website..brownie points..I know Merv has thick skin and he knows was there to learn, so unless he's told from a range of views, he wont gain as much knowledge as quickly...esp as hes got one all of his own this summer!!


I leant photography myself (every other man and his dog seems to have a photography degree these days), and there are plenty of others who are self-taught. I find constructive C&C very useful, and even though I'm now a reasonably good photographer I still want people to comment on my work - I even ask for it on my website.

TBH, I can't see the point of any forum where people just post images and there's no discussion or comment about them. Shots always get comments from the Flickrists along the lines of 'Wow! great shot', but that isn't much use to the photographer, in fact it can give them a false sense of how good they are.

I've just been looking back over this thread, and TBH I have nothing but admiration for you, because there is no way I could do weddings. I could do the shots, and I like to think I'd make a decent job of it, but I just couldn't handle the people side of it - and that must be an important dimension of wedding photography.So, keep up the good work!