2x convertor of ebay ? whats your thoughts

the samples are small for a reason, why not look at getting a Kenko x2 tele convertor?
I think you would be better cropping than sticking a converter on the 55-200. If you need more length and its for mainly motorsport start saving ;).
Without wanting to be unfair to this product, it's a pretty well unknown one, and the price seems daft. I'd steer clear in the absence of some better examples of image quality.

A 2X TC is usually a bridge too far behind a zoom lens anyway - image quality is usually degraded noticeably. While something around 1.5X can be acceptable with a zoom lens, converters produce their best results behind prime lenses.
I think you would be better cropping than sticking a converter on the 55-200. If you need more length and its for mainly motorsport start saving ;).
true,new to this photo stuff:)need to save up in time for a better camera and lens,but thats a while of,played with cropping and so long as i dont go to far get good results,(y)

thanks for all replys.