2x Yongnuo RF-602s problem, using as wireless remote and receiver at the same time

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I've got 2x Yongnuo RF-602s receivers, one mounted on the camera and the other used on a light.

I want to take photos with a wireless remote. but the flash fires before the camera captures :( so my current set up doesn't work.

has anyone come across similar problems in the past, how did you over come it?
Is it a case of buying a different wireless remote ?

That won't work as the timing is all wrong!

What is it you're trying to do?
Thanks for the fast replies.

So I have a rf-602 trigger which I normally have mounted on the camera and then one of the receivers on the light.

But now what I have done is have the receiver on the camera and wired in to the remote port. I have the trigger in my hand and another receiver on the light.

The idea being I press the trigger, it then operates the camera and the flash at the same time.

Can you explain why the timing is wrong, try and understand why it doesn't work.

I was thinking maybe stick to normal trigger on the hot shoe and receiver on the light and then get different remote trigger?

This is a really old photo but hopefully it will help to explain what I'm trying to do. I can't remember how many photos it was but say its 8, 4 photos on the fence and 3 on the outside of the car and 1 for the inside. I only have one light. So instead of setting a self timer of 10 secs and running all over the place to get in position ready to flash the light. If I had a remote I could wonder around the location pressing my remote and flashing at the same time.
Hopefully that makes sense :/


The receivers get the radio signal at the same time but the flash can fire quicker than the camera can operate the shutter if that makes sense.
I have done this before for a self portrait, but I had to have Yongnuo yn 04II and Yongnuo Rf-602, so using two sets of transmitter and Receivers.
One set on the camera hotshoe and flash, other set with receiver on the camera to fire the shutter and the trigger in my hand.
The receivers get the radio signal at the same time but the flash can fire quicker than the camera can operate the shutter if that makes sense.

makes perfect sense, thanks!

I have done this before for a self portrait, but I had to have Yongnuo yn 04II and Yongnuo Rf-602, so using two sets of transmitter and Receivers.
One set on the camera hotshoe and flash, other set with receiver on the camera to fire the shutter and the trigger in my hand.

Nice ok, that sounds good. I shall get ordering :)

Thanks for the help everyone
You're triggering both at the same time. Not sure how RF-602s work as a remote shutter release, never tried it, but If you use one of those cheap keyring sized IR remotes to open the shutter the camera will then tell the flash units when to fire.
What's the range like on the IR remotes? I was considering getting one of those but I've seen mixed reviews on them..

With the 602's you stick the receiver on hot shoe and there is a cable that goes into the remote port on the side of the camera.
I have done this before for a self portrait, but I had to have Yongnuo yn 04II and Yongnuo Rf-602, so using two sets of transmitter and Receivers.
One set on the camera hotshoe and flash, other set with receiver on the camera to fire the shutter and the trigger in my hand.

This is what you need to do. Two sets of 602's set on different channels.

Works perfect!
admirable said:
This is what you need to do. Two sets of 602's set on different channels.

Works perfect!


The receiver triggering the camera needs to be on a different channel to the one firing the light, otherwise you get exactly the problem the op is experiencing.